6.1 Introduction
Namespace configuration has been available since version 2.0 of the Spring Framework. It allows you to supplement the traditional Spring beans application context syntax with elements from additional XML schema. You can find more information in the Spring Reference Documentation. A namespace element can be used simply to allow a more concise way of configuring an individual bean or, more powerfully, to define an alternative configuration syntax which more closely matches the problem domain and hides the underlying complexity from the user.
<security:ldap-server />
This is much simpler than wiring up the equivalent Apache Directory Server beans. The most common alternative configuration requirements are supported by attributes on the ldap-server
element and the user is isolated from worrying about which beans they need to create and what the bean property names are. . Use of a good XML editor while editing the application context file should provide information on the attributes and elements that are available. We would recommend that you try out the Spring Tool Suite as it has special features for working with standard Spring namespaces.
jar on your classpath. Then all you need to do is add the schema declaration to your application context file:<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
In many of the examples you will see (and in the sample applications), we will often use "security" as the default namespace rather than "beans", which means we can omit the prefix on all the security namespace elements, making the content easier to read. You may also want to do this if you have your application context divided up into separate files and have most of your security configuration in one of them. Your security application context file would then start like this
<beans:beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/security"
We’ll assume this syntax is being used from now on in this chapter.
6.1.1 Design of the Namespace
The namespace is designed to capture the most common uses of the framework and provide a simplified and concise syntax for enabling them within an application. The design is based around the large-scale dependencies within the framework, and can be divided up into the following areas:
- Web/HTTP Security - the most complex part. Sets up the filters and related service beans used to apply the framework authentication mechanisms, to secure URLs, render login and error pages and much more.
- Web / HTTP安全 - 最复杂的部分。设置用于应用框架身份验证机制的过滤器和相关服务bean,保护URL,呈现登录和错误页面等等。
- Business Object (Method) Security - options for securing the service layer.
- 业务对象(方法)安全性 - 保护服务层的选项。
- AuthenticationManager - handles authentication requests from other parts of the framework.
- AuthenticationManager - 处理来自框架其他部分的身份验证请求。
- AccessDecisionManager - provides access decisions for web and method security. A default one will be registered, but you can also choose to use a custom one, declared using normal Spring bean syntax.
- AccessDecisionManager - 提供Web和方法安全性的访问决策。将注册一个默认值,但您也可以选择使用自定义Spring bean语法声明的自定义。
- AuthenticationProviders - mechanisms against which the authentication manager authenticates users. The namespace provides supports for several standard options and also a means of adding custom beans declared using a traditional syntax.
- AuthenticationProviders - 身份验证管理器对用户进行身份验证的机制。命名空间提供了对多个标准选项的支持,也提供了添加使用传统语法声明的自定义bean的方法。
- UserDetailsService - closely related to authentication providers, but often also required by other beans.
- UserDetailsService - 与身份验证提供程序密切相关,但通常也需要其他bean。
We’ll see how to configure these in the following sections.
6.2 Getting Started with Security Namespace Configuration
In this section, we’ll look at how you can build up a namespace configuration to use some of the main features of the framework. Let’s assume you initially want to get up and running as quickly as possible and add authentication support and access control to an existing web application, with a few test logins. Then we’ll look at how to change over to authenticating against a database or other security repository. In later sections we’ll introduce more advanced namespace configuration options.
6.2.1 web.xml Configuration
The first thing you need to do is add the following filter declaration to your web.xml
</filter> <filter-mapping>
This provides a hook into the Spring Security web infrastructure. DelegatingFilterProxy
is a Spring Framework class which delegates to a filter implementation which is defined as a Spring bean in your application context. In this case, the bean is named "springSecurityFilterChain", which is an internal infrastructure bean created by the namespace to handle web security. Note that you should not use this bean name yourself. Once you’ve added this to your web.xml
, you’re ready to start editing your application context file. Web security services are configured using the <http>
6.2.2 A Minimal <http> Configuration
All you need to enable web security to begin with is
<intercept-url pattern="/**" access="hasRole('USER')" />
<form-login />
<logout />
Which says that we want all URLs within our application to be secured, requiring the role ROLE_USER
to access them, we want to log in to the application using a form with username and password, and that we want a logout URL registered which will allow us to log out of the application. <http>
element is the parent for all web-related namespace functionality. The <intercept-url>
element defines a pattern
which is matched against the URLs of incoming requests using an ant path style syntax .
attribute defines the access requirements for requests matching the given pattern. With the default configuration, this is typically a comma-separated list of roles, one of which a user must have to be allowed to make the request. access
attribute depends on the implementation of the –1— which is used. In Spring Security 3.0, the attribute can also be populated with an –2—.<intercept-url>
elements to define different access requirements for different sets of URLs, but they will be evaluated in the order listed and the first match will be used. So you must put the most specific matches at the top. You can also add a method
attribute to limit the match to a particular HTTP method (GET
<user name="jimi" password="jimispassword" authorities="ROLE_USER, ROLE_ADMIN" />
<user name="bob" password="bobspassword" authorities="ROLE_USER" />
If you are familiar with pre-namespace versions of the framework, you can probably already guess roughly what’s going on here. The <http>
element is responsible for creating a FilterChainProxy
and the filter beans which it uses. Common problems like incorrect filter ordering are no longer an issue as the filter positions are predefined.
element creates a DaoAuthenticationProvider
bean and the <user-service>
element creates an InMemoryDaoImpl
. All authentication-provider
elements must be children of the <authentication-manager>
element, which creates a ProviderManager
and registers the authentication providers with it. You can find more detailed information on the beans that are created in the namespace appendix. It’s worth cross-checking this if you want to start understanding what the important classes in the framework are and how they are used, particularly if you want to customise things later.properties
attribute on user-service
. See the section on in-memory authentication for more details on the file format. Using the <authentication-provider>
element means that the user information will be used by the authentication manager to process authentication requests. You can have multiple <authentication-provider>
elements to define different authentication sources and each will be consulted in turn.