there was an error running the selected code generator unable to retrieve metadata for


I have updated to Visual Studio 2013 update 2 and now I cannot scaffold controllers.

The problem is not project specific: when I try to scaffold a controller, I get the following error in ALL and ANY project:

There was an error running the selected code generator:
'Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.'

It was working before updating to Visual Studio 2013 update 2.

A combination of things have worked for me:

  1. Upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 Update 3.
  2. Upgrade Entity Framework to 6.1.1
  3. Modify the context configuration to use IDbSet<...> instead of DbSet<...> (I have heard that this can affect using async actions, but not apparently in my case, as I use this in my login actions, etc, as supplied by ASP.NET Identity 2 sample Nuget package).

Quite why this combination works, I have no idea. But then given the thundering silence from MS, I am probably not alone. I guess update 2 just didn't work...

04-19 16:23