



  In order to complete a creative task,would you prefer to work alone or with others?Use specific reasons or examples to support your answer.

  如果我们以:1.Team work provides additional perspectives that individuals overlooked.和2.Working in team can improve efficiency by distributing the task among a group of people.为主体段观点,下面两个引入:

  A)Society functions on effective communication,as more and more companies stress the importance of harmony between colleagues as a way to improve working efficiency.

  B)Under intense competition,personal career success depends more and more on our ability to deliver high-quality results efficiently.

  分析:B)要明显好于A),因为A)中提到的effective communication对于社会的意义、workplace harmony在后文中都没有得到呼应。而B)中提到的内容,在后文中都得到了进一步说明:1.为什么要讨论这个题目–因为涉及“个人职场成功与否”;2.什么叫成功?–工作成果质量好且工作效率高;3.怎样提高质量和效率?–团队合作拓宽思路、团队合作分工协作。




  Being able to express one’s opinion and to accept to other people’s criticism are both essential for improving communication between coworkers and the harmony of office.They allow them to understand each other professionally and personally.

  首先,第二句用了两个“他们”,分别指什么,作者没说明白。其次,如果仔细分析,前一句给了两组复数名词,一组是两个abilities(表达能力+接受批评的能力)、一组是两个结果(communication+harmony);这样一来第二句”them to understand each other”中的“them”和“each other”都是指谁呢?实际上这是缺少指代对象的语法错误。








  Raising professors’salary is an effective way to motivate them to spend more time on education.It is well known that private universities in the their professors a higher salary than public universities.At the same time,these universities are also ranked the highest in most academic rankings,because their professors conducted more academic researches,contributed more papers to journals,and,on average,spend more time giving instructions and seminars to students.

  这个例子观点比较明确、也有相应的例子;但是观点和例子间还是有一些“落差”:Why are professors NOT motivated in the first place?How would a high salary help?因为这些问题没有解决、后文例子只能被看作一个泛泛的correlation(相关)而不是严谨的causation(因果)。那么,什么样的解释才能把观点和解释有机联系在一起呢?

  首先,解释应该把观点句中的遗留问题解释清。Raising professors’salary is an effective way to motivate them to spend more time on education.→Professorship requires years of investments in higher education.However,compared to other educated professions,professors are relatively lower-paid,which means that some of them take part-time jobs with private firms in their spare time,rather than spend more time on researches.

  这样解释,观点-解释-例子是不是被统一起来了呢?也不完全。因为例子实际上还是对段首第一句的解释说明、而读者的注意力已经被拖着过了几句话。想让读者的注意力自然过渡,例子应该回应说理中加入的观点。…,which means that some of them take part-time jobs with private firms in their spare time,rather than spend more time on researches.→It is well known that private universities in the their professors a higher salary than public universities.In doing so,these universities ensure that professors are paid as much as their equally educated counterparts in large firms such as executives or business owners.At the same time,these universities are also ranked the highest in most academic rankings,because instead of taking part-time jobs to subsidize their living,or working overtime in offices,their professors conducted more academic researches,contributed more papers to journals,and,on average,spend more time giving instructions and seminars to students.



05-27 19:18