

本文介绍了Visual Studio 2013开发人员授权javascript错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我安装了Microsoft Visual Studio 2013,并且我想开始编码Windows Store应用程序。每次创建项目时,都会收到通知,说明我需要开发人员许可证。这对我来说很好,所以我按下了我同意按钮。

完成此操作后,Visual Studio似乎试图建立与Web的某种连接,接下来发生的事情是JavaScript错误。从荷兰字面翻译它说:

我的默认浏览器是Google Chrome,并且在谷歌浏览器的设置中,JavaScript默认启用。我如何解决所有这些问题?我真的很想开始创建Windows应用商店。



问题是:Microsoft Visual Studio仍在使用Internet Explorer而不是您选择的默认浏览器。 Visual Studio需要能够在Internet Explorer中使用Cookies来执行某些操作,并且默认情况下会被阻止。降低Internet Explorer上的安全设置,解决所有问题。

I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 installed, and I would like to start coding windows store apps. Every time I create a project, I'm getting the notification that I need a developer license. This is fine to me, so I press the 'I agree' button.

After doing this, Visual Studio seems to be trying to make some connection to the web, and the next thing happening is a JavaScript error. Literally translated from Dutch it says:

My default browser is Google Chrome, and in the settings of Google Chrome, JavaScript is enabled by default. How do I solve all of this? I really want to start creating windows store apps.


Finally solved this.

The problem is: Microsoft Visual Studio is still making use of Internet Explorer in stead of your chosen default browser. Visual Studio needs to be able to do something with Cookies in Internet Explorer, and this is blocked by default. Lower your security settings on Internet Explorer, and everything is solved.

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09-06 05:14