
1. Apache Commons类库

Apache Commons是一个非常有用的工具包,为解决各种实际的问题提供了通用现成的代码,不需要我们程序员再重复造轮子。关于这个类库的详细介绍可以访问官网介绍。下面表格列出了部分的工具包。我们平时开发过程中可以根据自己的需要挑选合适的工具包。

BCELByte Code Engineering Library - analyze, create, and manipulate Java class files6.3.12019/3/24
BeanUtilsEasy-to-use wrappers around the Java reflection and introspection APIs.1.9.32016/9/26
BSFBean Scripting Framework - interface to scripting languages, including JSR-2233.12010/6/24
ChainChain of Responsibility pattern implemention.1.22008/6/2
CLICommand Line arguments parser.1.42017/3/9
CodecGeneral encoding/decoding algorithms (for example phonetic, base64, URL).1.122019/2/16
CollectionsExtends or augments the Java Collections Framework.4.32019/2/5
CompressDefines an API for working with tar, zip and bzip2 files.1.182018/8/16
ConfigurationReading of configuration/preferences files in various formats.2.42018/10/29
CryptoA cryptographic library optimized with AES-NI wrapping Openssl or JCE algorithm implementations.1.0.02016/7/22
CSVComponent for reading and writing comma separated value files.1.62018/9/25
DaemonAlternative invocation mechanism for unix-daemon-like java code.1.0.152013/4/3
DBCPDatabase connection pooling services.2.6.02019/2/19
DbUtilsJDBC helper library.1.72017/7/20
DigesterXML-to-Java-object mapping utility.3.22011/12/13
EmailLibrary for sending e-mail from Java.1.52017/8/1
ExecAPI for dealing with external process execution and environment management in Java.1.32014/11/6
FileUploadFile upload capability for your servlets and web applications.1.42019/1/16
FunctorA functor is a function that can be manipulated as an object, or an object representing a single, generic function.12011-??-??
GeometrySpace and coordinates.12018-??-??
Imaging (previously called Sanselan)A pure-Java image library.0.97-incubator2009/2/20
IOCollection of I/O utilities.2.62017/10/15
JCIJava Compiler Interface1.12013/10/14
JCSJava Caching System2.2,12018/8/23
JellyXML based scripting and processing engine.1.0.12017/9/27
JexlExpression language which extends the Expression Language of the JSTL.3.12017/4/14
JXPathUtilities for manipulating Java Beans using the XPath syntax.1.32008/8/14
LangProvides extra functionality for classes in java.lang.3.92019/4/15
LoggingWrapper around a variety of logging API implementations.1.22014/7/11
MathLightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components.3.52015/4/17
NetCollection of network utilities and protocol implementations.3.62017/2/15
NumbersNumber types (complex, quaternion, fraction) and utilities (arrays, combinatorics).12017-??-??
OGNLAn Object-Graph Navigation Language42013-??-??
PoolGeneric object pooling component.2.6.22019/4/11
ProxyLibrary for creating dynamic proxies.12008/2/28
RDFCommon implementation of RDF 1.1 that could be implemented by systems on the JVM.0.3.0-incubating2016/11/15
RNGImplementations of random numbers generators.1.22018/12/12
SCXMLAn implementation of the State Chart XML specification aimed at creating and maintaining a Java SCXML engine.It is capable of executing a state machine defined using a SCXML document, and abstracts out the environment interfaces.0.92008/12/1
TextApache Commons Text is a library focused on algorithms working on strings.1.62018/10/16
ValidatorFramework to define validators and validation rules in an xml file.1.62017/2/21
VFSVirtual File System component for treating files, FTP, SMB, ZIP and such like as a single logical file system.2.32019/2/4
WeaverProvides an easy way to enhance (weave) compiled bytecode.22018/9/7

除了上面表格中的工具包,Apache Common项目还包括以下几个工具包,其中的http-client是我们平时非常常用的。

  • Cactus: Cactus is a simple test framework for unit testing server-side java code (Servlets, EJBs, Tag Libs, Filters, ...). The intent of Cactus is to lower the cost of writing tests for server-side code.
  • HiveMind: HiveMind is a services and configuration microkernel. HiveMind allows you to create your application using a service oriented architecture.
  • HttpClient 3.x: Framework for working with the client-side of the HTTP protocol.
  • Naming: The Naming subproject will contain common JNDI code along with various JNDI providers.

2. Guava类库

Guava工程包含了若干被Google的 Java项目广泛依赖 的核心库,例如:集合 [collections] 、缓存 [caching] 、原生类型支持 [primitives support] 、并发库 [concurrency libraries] 、通用注解 [common annotations] 、字符串处理 [string processing] 、I/O 等等。下面列出Guava工具包中的常用功能点,以便需要的时候查阅使用。

2.1 基本工具 [Basic utilities]

2.2 集合[Collections]


  • 不可变集合: 用不变的集合进行防御性编程和性能提升。
  • 新集合类型: multisets, multimaps, tables, bidirectional maps等。
  • 强大的集合工具类: 提供java.util.Collections中没有的集合工具。
  • 扩展工具类:让实现和扩展集合类变得更容易,比如创建Collection的装饰器,或实现迭代器。

2.3 缓存[Caches]

Guava Cache:本地缓存实现,支持多种缓存过期策略。

2.4 函数式风格[Functional idioms]


2.5 并发[Concurrency]


2.6 字符串处理[Strings]


2.7 原生类型[Primitives]

扩展 JDK 未提供的原生类型(如int、char)操作, 包括某些类型的无符号形式

2.8 区间[Ranges]


2.9 I/O


2.10 散列[Hash]


2.11 事件总线[EventBus]


2.12 数学运算[Math]


2.13 反射[Reflection]

Guava 的 Java 反射机制工具类

3. Spring中的常用工具类

  • FileCopyUtils;
  • WebUtil;


4. 其他工具



  • 并发编程网Guava教程
  • Apache Common官网
04-10 13:35