



我看到了很多关于 sed 命令的问题,但没有一个与我的兄弟相匹配.

I saw so much questions about the sed command but none match my dude.


I want to substitute the entire line which contains a pattern.

我认为 sed 命令是最好的选择.我从这个 sed 命令开始,但不起作用

I think the sed command is the best option. I started with this sed command but doesn't work

sed -i 's/pattern/Substitution/' myfile.txt


After that i'm testing with this other command but only substitute the pattern, not the entire line.

echo "hello y luego bye" | sed "s|hello|adeu|g"



You need to match the whole line containing that pattern and then replace. Use it like this:

sed 's/^.*\bpattern\b.*$/Substitution/' file

我还为单词边界添加了 \b 以便您只匹配 pattern 但避免匹配 patterns.

I also added \b for word boundaries so that you only match pattern but avoid matching patterns.

说明: ^.*\bpattern\b.*$ 我们用来确保整行匹配包含模式.^ 是行开始,$ 是行结束..* 匹配 0 个或多个长度的文本.所以^.*匹配pattern之前的所有文本,.*$匹配pattern之后的所有文本.

Explanation: ^.*\bpattern\b.*$ us used to make sure whole line is matched containing pattern. ^ is line start and $ is line end. .* matches 0 or more length text. So ^.* matches all the text before pattern and .*$ matches all the text after pattern.

使用 awk,您可以:

Using awk you can do:

awk '!/affraid/{print} /affraid/{print "Substitution"}' file


09-06 04:49