Basic Concepts
Descriptive Statistics
- Describes the important aspects of large data sets.
- 统计
- 概率
- 分布
Inferential statistics
- Involves making forecasts, estimates, or judgments about a larger group from the smaller group.
- 预测
- 估计
- 判断
Measurement scales
- 给描述, 判断是哪种尺度
- 给尺度, 判断孰强孰弱
Frequency distribution
Central Tendency (第一维度,中心趋势)
- Arithmetic mean (算术平均)
- Population Mean
- Sample Mean
- Population Mean
- Geometric mean (几何平均)
- Harmonic mean (调和平均, I级考试不考)
- Weighted mean (加权平均)
- 样本均值中相当于权重都是1/n, 而weighted mean就是不等权重(w1,w2,...wn).
Properties (性质)
- Arithmetic mean : 单期收益率的表现
- focus on average single-period performance
- sensitive to extreme values
- Geometric mean: 多期收益率的表现
- focus on multi-period performance
- Weighted mean: 多用于计算期望值 (算期望就是算加权平均)
- userd to calculate the portfolio return/expected value based on probabilities
- Harmonic Mean <= Geometric Mean <= Arithmetic Mean
- Median 中位数 与 Mode 众数
- 例: 一组数, 1,1,2,4,8.
- median: 一共有五个数, 中间的数是2, 所以median是2. 若这个数组是1,2,4,8. 中位数则是(2+4)/2 = 3.
- mode : 1出现了两次, 所以众数是1.
Quantile (分位点) **
- A value at or below which a stated fraction of the data lies.
- Quantiles 四分位点
- Quintiles 五分位点
- Deciles 十分位点
- Percentiles 百分位点
- Step 1: formula for location of data in ascending order (必须先把所有数据从小到大排列)
- Step 2: 用公式计算
- 例: for data with 17 observations, find out the location of 3rd quintile.
- 注: 1. value 中10和11的顺序写错了, 数值应该是要按顺序排列的.
- 2. 如果要计算3rd quintile这个位置上的值的话, 应该是(20+23)/2.
- 注: 1. value 中10和11的顺序写错了, 数值应该是要按顺序排列的.
- 描述
- 例: 第一个四分位点 --> 有25%的数小于第一个四分位点(因数据是ascending order排列的,所以是小于).
- 计算
- Ly = (n+1)y/100 (算location)
- 算value (算特定分位点的数值)
金融有风险, 风险有不确定性, 所以用离散程度来度量风险, 方差或者标准差就是用来度量离散程度的;
金融中的收益用均值 mean 来度量.
Risk <-- uncertainty <-- dispersion <-- variance, standard deviation
Dispersion (第二维度,离散程度,即偏离均值的程度)
Absolute dispersion (绝对离散程度)
Range (范围)
- Maximum Value - Minimum Value
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD, 均值绝对偏差)
- MAD <= 西格玛
Variance (方差)
- MAD是绝对值, 不好计算,所以平方之后就引入了方差.
- Population 总体
- Sample 样本
Standard deviation (标准差, 把方差开根号)
- Population 总体
- Sample 样本
- n-1 是为了满足无偏性或者自由度
Relative dispersion (相对离散程度) ***
Coefficient of variation (CV, 变异系数)
- 每赚一块钱所承担的风险
- Calculation
- s: 样本标准差 (代表风险); x拔: 样本均值(代表收益)
- Characteristics
- CV has no units of measurement
- a measure of risk per unit of mean return
- the lower the better
Sharpe ratio (夏普比率)
- 每承担单位风险所获得的超额收益率
- Calculation
- Characteristics
- Sharpe ratio has no units of measurement
- a measure of exccess return per unit of risk
- the higher the better
- CV
- Sharpe ratio
- CV: 每赚一块钱所承担的风险
- Sharpe ratio: 每承担单位风险所获得的超额收益
- 性质
- 变异系数CV越小越好
- Sharpe ratio越大越好
Chebyshev's inequality (切比雪夫不等式)
- 概念
- For any distribution with finite variance, the minimum percentage of observations that lie within k standard deviation of the mean would be 1-1/k*k, given k>1.
- 对任何一组观测值, 个休落在均值周围k个标准差之内的概率不小于1-1/k*k, 对任意k>1.
- 例题
- 已知k, 需要计算概率1-1/k*k
- 已知概率, 需要反算出k, 再算出区间
- 已知区间, 需要计算k, 再算出概率
Skewness (第三维度,偏度) ***
肥尾: 取到极端值的概率较大
Kurtosis (第四维度,峰度) **
T-分布有特殊, 是低峰肥尾. ? 哪一章提到?