

Biggest Studies on Aspirin Show Risks Outweigh Benefits for Many People

Doctors have long recommended that people who have had a heart attack or stroke take a daily low-dose aspirin to help prevent further heart problems.


Now major research has tested whether aspirin can help prevent first-time heart problems. The results of three separate studies show it cannot.

One study looked at more than 12,000 patients at moderate risk of heart problems because of other health issues, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or smoking. The results showed no benefit.

Doctor J. Michael Gaziano of Brigham and Women's Hospital suggests that is because those people already were taking other medications that lowered their risk.

布莱根妇女医院的j . Michael Gaziano医生认为,这是因为这些人已经在服用其他药物来降低他们的风险。
"Risk that a person has changes over time, and some of that change is due to some of the things that we do, like managing their risk factors and taking care of them when they develop symptoms," Gaziano said.

加齐亚诺称 :“ 一个人的风险会随着时间的推移而发生变化,其中一些变化是由于我们所做的一些事情造成的,比如管控他们的风险因素,并在他们出现症状时得来照顾他们。
Dr. Jane Armitage of the University of Oxford led another study of more than 15,000 adults with diabetes that found the benefits of aspirin were outweighed by a greater risk of serious bleeding.

牛津大学的Jane Armitage博士进行了另一项研究,对象为15000多名糖尿病成年患者,研究表明,阿司匹林产生的效用低于大出血的风险。
"We also saw almost a 30 percent increased risk in major bleeding," Armitage said. "So that was bleeding bad enough to get you into hospital. Mainly from the gut, or bleeding into the eye or the brain and if it was into the eye, it was bad enough to threaten your sight."

Armitage 说“我们同时还发现在大出血方面风险增加了30%,所以就会导致出血严重而送往医院。主要有直肠出血,或者涉及大脑和眼睛,这就会导致你的视力受损了。
Based on results of the studies, disclosed over the weekend at the European Society of Cardiology, doctors say aspirin best benefits patients who already have heart disease.


05-11 19:41