

  • imhist

    • 官方help:imhist(I) calculates the histogram for the intensity image I and displays a plot of the histogram. The number of bins in the histogram is determined by the image type.
    • 可见,imhist的NumBins值是由图像类型决定的。若图像为uint8类型,则bin的数量为256,即[0:1:255]。
  • histogram(早期版本为hist,现在matlab已不建议使用hist了)

    • 官方help:
      histogram(X) creates a histogram plot of X. The histogram function uses an automatic binning algorithm that returns bins with a uniform width, chosen to cover the range of elements in X and reveal the underlying shape of the distribution. histogram displays the bins as rectangles such that the height of each rectangle indicates the number of elements in the bin.

    nbins — Number of bins
         Number of bins, specified as a positive integer. If you do not specify nbins, then histogram automatically calculates how many bins to use based on the values in X.

    • 可见,histogram的NumBins值可以人为设定,在未指定该参数时,系统将基于图像的灰度分布自动计算NumBins的值。


 imgColor = imread('lena.jpg');
imgGray = rgb2gray(imgColor); %% imhist
figure('name', 'imhist'),
imhist(imgGray); %% histogram
figure('name', 'histogram auto'),
% histogram函数自动计算NumBins值
hist2 = histogram(imgGray);
% Find the bin counts
binCounts = hist2.Values;
% Get bin number
binNum = hist2.NumBins; %% histogram 指定NumBins值
% Specify number of histogram bins
figure('name', 'histogram256'),
hist256 = histogram(imgGray, 256); % 等同于 imhist(imgGray)

由运行结果也可看出,histogram(imgGray, 256)与imhist(imgGray),二者在最大bin的灰度累计值是一样的。

MATLAB中 histogram 和 imhist 的区别-LMLPHP


05-11 09:43