TagCanvas是一个基于HTML5 Canvas技术开发的标签云动画。还提供一个以jQuery插件形式实现的版本。
它支持文本和图片两种格式,能够以Sphere, hcylinder 或 vcylinder三种形状显示。
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TagCanvas example</title>
<!--[if lt IE 9]><script type="text/javascript" src="excanvas.js"></script><![endif]-->
<script src="tagcanvas.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function() {
try {
textColour: '#ff0000',
outlineColour: '#ff00ff',
reverse: true,
depth: 0.8,
maxSpeed: 0.05
} catch(e) {
// something went wrong, hide the canvas container
document.getElementById('myCanvasContainer').style.display = 'none';
<h1>TagCanvas example page</h1>
<div id="myCanvasContainer">
<canvas width="300" height="300" id="myCanvas">
<p>Anything in here will be replaced on browsers that support the canvas element</p>
<div id="tags">
<li><a href="http://www.google.com" target="_blank">Google</a></li>
<li><a href="/fish">Fish</a></li>
<li><a href="/chips">Chips</a></li>
<li><a href="/salt">Salt</a></li>
<li><a href="/vinegar">Vinegar</a></li>
Option | Default | Description |
interval | 20 | Interval between animation frames, in milliseconds |
maxSpeed | 0.05 | Maximum speed of rotation |
minSpeed | 0.0 | Minimum speed of rotation when mouse leaves canvas |
decel | 0.95 | Deceleration rate when mouse leaves canvas |
minBrightness | 0.1 | Brightness of tags at farthest point (0.0-1.0) |
textColour | "#ff99ff" | Colour of the tag text |
textHeight | 15 | Height of the tag text font (in pixels) |
textFont | "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" | Font family for the tag text |
outlineColour | "#ffff99" | Colour of the box around the active tag |
outlineThickness | 2 | Thickness of outline in pixels |
outlineOffset | 5 | Distance of outline from text, in pixels |
pulsateTo | 1.0 | Pulsate outline to this opacity (0.0-1.0) |
pulsateTime | 3 | Pulse rate, in seconds per beat |
depth | 0.5 | Controls the perspective (0.0-1.0) |
initial | null | Initial rotation, with horizontal and vertical as an array, e.g. [0.8,-0.3]. Values are multiplied by maxSpeed. |
freezeActive | false | Set to true to pause movement when a tag is highlighted. |
frontSelect | false | Set to true to prevent selection of tags at back of cloud. |
txtOpt | true | Text optimisation, converts text tags to images for better performance. |
txtScale | 2 | Scaling factor of text when converting to image in txtOpt mode. |
reverse | false | Set to true to reverse direction of movement relative to mouse position. |
hideTags | false | Set to true to automatically hide the tag list element if TagCanvas is started successfully. |
zoom | 1.0 | Adjusts the relative size of the tag cloud in the canvas. Larger values will zoom into the cloud, smaller values will zoom out. |
wheelZoom | true | Enables zooming the cloud in and out using the mouse wheel or scroll gesture. |
zoomStep | 0.05 | The amount that the zoom is changed by with each movement of the mouse wheel. |
zoomMax | 3.0 | Maximum zoom value. |
zoomMin | 0.3 | Minimum zoom value. |
shadow | "#000000" | Colour of the shadow behind each tag. |
shadowBlur | 0 | Amount of tag shadow blurring, in pixels. |
shadowOffset | [0,0] | X and Y offset of the tag shadow, in pixels. |
weight | false | Set to true to turn on weighting of tags. |
weightMode | "size" | Method to use for displaying tag weights. Should be one of size, colour or both. |
weightSize | 1.0 | Multiplier for adjusting the size of tags when using a weight mode of size or both. |
weightGradient | {0:'#f00', 0.33:'#ff0', 0.66:'#0f0', 1:'#00f'} | The colour gradient used for colouring tags when using a weight mode of colour or both. |
weightFrom | null | The link attribute to take the tag weight from. The default of null means that the weight is taken from the calculated link font size. |
shape | "sphere" | The shape of the cloud. Currently supported are sphere, hcylinder for a cylinder that starts off horizontal and vcylinder for a cylinder that starts off vertical. |
lock | null | A value of "x" limits rotation of the cloud to the (horizontal) x-axis, and a value of "y" limits rotation to the (vertical) y-axis. (These are strings, so the quotes are required) |