



我是 Zend Framework 的新手,我对我正在尝试做的事情有疑问.

我正在处理的应用程序的大多数页面的主要内容将由 1 个或多个 div 元素组成,这些元素需要具有相同的样式.

这是我要生成的 HTML 示例:

<header class="panel-header"><h2>位置</h2></标题><div class='panel-content'><div id='locations-table' class='google-vis-table'></div><form id='locations'>...</表单>


<header class="panel-header"><h2>位置</h2></标题><div class='panel-content'><div id='locations-table' class="google_vis_table"></div><?phpecho $this->formLocations;?>

但这不是 DRY.

我在这里使用的示例的内容中有一个 Google 可视化表和一个 Zend 表单.有时面板需要包含一个表单.有时他们不会,所以我不认为表单装饰器是要走的路.所以基本上,面板的 id、面板标题文本和 div class='panel-content' 的内容需要是动态的.从面板到面板,其他所有内容都将保持不变.




例如,您可以有一个 admin-locations.phtml 部分,其中包含:

<header class="panel-header"><h2>位置</h2></标题><div class='panel-content'><div id='locations-table' class="google_vis_table"></div><?php echo $this->form;?>


...echo $this->partial('admin-locations.phtml');echo $this->partial('admin-locations.phtml', array('form' => $this->yourForm);echo $this->partial('admin-locations.phtml');...


I am new to Zend Framework and I have a question about something I am trying to do.

The main content of most pages of the application that I am working on will consist of 1 or more div elements that need to be styled the same.

Here is an example of the HTML that I want to generate:

<div id='admin-locations' class='panel'>
    <header class="panel-header">
    <div class='panel-content'>
        <div id='locations-table' class='google-vis-table'></div>
        <form id='locations'>

I know I can easily do this by pushing the form to my view script in my controller then adding this code to my controller.

<div id='admin-locations' class='panel'>
    <header class="panel-header">
    <div class='panel-content'>
        <div id='locations-table' class="google_vis_table"></div>
            echo $this->formLocations;

But that is not DRY.

The example I used here has a Google Visualization Table and a Zend Form in it's content. Sometimes the panels will need to contain a form. Sometimes they won't, so I don't think form decorators are the way to go. So basically, the id of the panel, the panel header text and the content of div class='panel-content' need to be dynamic. Everything else will stay the same from panel to panel.

What is my best option here?


You might want to consider using partials:http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.view.helpers.html#zend.view.helpers.initial.partial

For example, you could have an admin-locations.phtml partial that contains:

<div id='admin-locations' class='panel'>
    <header class="panel-header">
    <div class='panel-content'>
        <div id='locations-table' class="google_vis_table"></div>
        <?php echo $this->form; ?>

Now you can simply repeatedly call the partial within a view, with or without supplying a form:

echo $this->partial('admin-locations.phtml');
echo $this->partial('admin-locations.phtml', array('form' => $this->yourForm);
echo $this->partial('admin-locations.phtml');

Hope this helps.


09-06 04:43