Maybe someone in the community has had similar struggles and have come up with a workable solution.
We're currently working on a polyglot key/value store. Given this, we'll generally have no knowledge of what will be stored ahead of time.
struct Character : Codable, Equatable {
let name: String
let age: Int
let gender: Gender
let hobbies: [String]
static func ==(lhs: Character, rhs: Character) -> Bool {
return (lhs.name == rhs.name
&& lhs.age == rhs.age
&& lhs.gender == rhs.gender
&& lhs.hobbies == rhs.hobbies)
When sending/receiving Character entities over the wire, everything is fairly straight forward. The user can provide us the Type in which we can decode into.
However, we do have the ability to dynamically query the entities stored within the backend. For example, we can request the value of the 'name' property and have that returned.
This dynamism is a pain point. In addition to not knowing the type of the properties outside of the fact that they are Codable, the format that is returned can be dynamic as well.
Here's some examples of response for two different calls extracting properties:
In some cases, it could be an equivalent of a dictionary.
Right now, I have the following structs for dealing with responses:
fileprivate struct ScalarValue<T: Decodable> : Decodable {
var value: T?
Using the Character example, the type passed to the decoder would be:
However, for the single value, array, or dictionary case, I'm somewhat stuck.
fileprivate struct AnyDecodable: Decodable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
// ???
Based on the possible return types I've described above, I'm not sure if this is possible with the current API.
Swift绝对可以处理任意可解码的JSON.这与任意可解码的东西不同. JSON无法编码所有可能的值.但是此结构将解码可以用JSON表示的所有内容,然后您就可以从那里以类型安全的方式探索它,而不必求助于Any
Swift can definitely handle an arbitrary JSON decodable. This isn't the same thing as an arbitrary decodable. JSON can't encode all possible values. But this structure will decode anything that can be expressed in JSON, and from there you can explore it in a type-safe way without resorting to dangerous and awkward tools like Any
enum JSON: Decodable, CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
switch self {
case .string(let string): return "\"\(string)\""
case .number(let double):
if let int = Int(exactly: double) {
return "\(int)"
} else {
return "\(double)"
case .object(let object):
return "\(object)"
case .array(let array):
return "\(array)"
case .bool(let bool):
return "\(bool)"
case .null:
return "null"
var isEmpty: Bool {
switch self {
case .string(let string): return string.isEmpty
case .object(let object): return object.isEmpty
case .array(let array): return array.isEmpty
case .null: return true
case .number, .bool: return false
struct Key: CodingKey, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
var description: String {
return stringValue
var hashValue: Int { return stringValue.hash }
static func ==(lhs: JSON.Key, rhs: JSON.Key) -> Bool {
return lhs.stringValue == rhs.stringValue
let stringValue: String
init(_ string: String) { self.stringValue = string }
init?(stringValue: String) { self.init(stringValue) }
var intValue: Int? { return nil }
init?(intValue: Int) { return nil }
case string(String)
case number(Double) // FIXME: Split Int and Double
case object([Key: JSON])
case array([JSON])
case bool(Bool)
case null
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
if let string = try? decoder.singleValueContainer().decode(String.self) { self = .string(string) }
else if let number = try? decoder.singleValueContainer().decode(Double.self) { self = .number(number) }
else if let object = try? decoder.container(keyedBy: Key.self) {
var result: [Key: JSON] = [:]
for key in object.allKeys {
result[key] = (try? object.decode(JSON.self, forKey: key)) ?? .null
self = .object(result)
else if var array = try? decoder.unkeyedContainer() {
var result: [JSON] = []
for _ in 0..<(array.count ?? 0) {
result.append(try array.decode(JSON.self))
self = .array(result)
else if let bool = try? decoder.singleValueContainer().decode(Bool.self) { self = .bool(bool) }
else {
self = .null
var objectValue: [String: JSON]? {
switch self {
case .object(let object):
let mapped: [String: JSON] = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues:
object.map { (key, value) in (key.stringValue, value) })
return mapped
default: return nil
var arrayValue: [JSON]? {
switch self {
case .array(let array): return array
default: return nil
subscript(key: String) -> JSON? {
guard let jsonKey = Key(stringValue: key),
case .object(let object) = self,
let value = object[jsonKey]
else { return nil }
return value
var stringValue: String? {
switch self {
case .string(let string): return string
default: return nil
var doubleValue: Double? {
switch self {
case .number(let number): return number
default: return nil
var intValue: Int? {
switch self {
case .number(let number): return Int(number)
default: return nil
subscript(index: Int) -> JSON? {
switch self {
case .array(let array): return array[index]
default: return nil
var boolValue: Bool? {
switch self {
case .bool(let bool): return bool
default: return nil
With this, you can do things like:
let bilboJSON = """
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let bilbo = try! JSONDecoder().decode(JSON.self, from: bilboJSON)
bilbo["value"] // "Bilbo"
let javaJSON = """
""".data(using: .utf8)!
let java = try! JSONDecoder().decode(JSON.self, from: javaJSON)
java["value"]?[1] // ["Bilbo", 111]
java["value"]?[1]?[0]?.stringValue // "Bilbo" (as a String rather than a JSON.string)
The proliferation of ?
is somewhat ugly, but using throws
on this doesn't really make the interface much nicer in my experiments (particularly because subscripts can't throw). Some tweaking may be advisable based on your particular use cases.