我有一个2.8.2 RabbitMQ Server和一个2.8.2客户端dll,具有声明队列并获取消息的代码,它可以正常工作(所有参数都是正确的):
I have a 2.8.2 RabbitMQ Server and a 2.8.2 client dll, have the code to declare a queue and get a message, it works correctly (all parameters are correct):
IModel channel=null;
ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory ();
factory.HostName = "";
_QueueName = "";
factory.UserName = "guest";
factory.Password = "guest";
factory.VirtualHost = "/";
factory.RequestedHeartbeat = 30;
if (factory.Endpoint == null) {
Console.WriteLine (" factory.Endpoint==null ");
// 接受消息的队列名称是本地的IP地址
_QueueName = "";
_RMQConnection = factory.CreateConnection ();
Console.WriteLine ("factory.CreateConnection()");
channel = _RMQConnection.CreateModel ();
channel.QueueDeclare(_QueueName, false, false,false,null);
但是当我下载3.0.1 RabbitMQ Server和3.0.1客户端dll时,我使用的是相同的代码,但有例外:
But when I download 3.0.1 RabbitMQ Server and a 3.0.1 client dll, I use the same code and have the exception:
You typically get that error message when you re-declare an existing queue with different parameters. Check in the management console to see if the queue already exists. If it does, try deleting it and then re-running your code.
这篇关于NET客户端编程中发生异常“ AMQP操作被中断”(代码= 406)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!