

是否有一种方法可以基于方法/功能级别上的复杂度"(Cyclomatic Complexity)等复杂性比率来收集/报告单元测试覆盖率?

Is there an approach to collect/report on unit test coverage based on a complexity ratio such as Cyclomatic Complexity on a method/function level?

原因/意图是提供一个可度量的度量标准,以显示基于复杂性而具有较高缺陷机会的任何区域实际上具有适当的单元测试覆盖率(即,度量值超出"100%"或"80%"的覆盖率)例如,将指标更改为环复杂性的100%> = 10".

The reason/intent is to provide a measurable metric to show any areas that have a higher chance of defects based on complexity actually have appropriate unit test coverage (i.e. a metric away out of '100%' or '80%' coverage by changing the metric to '100% of Cyclomatic Complexity >= 10 for example).


My usecase is currently Java/junit, and a different approach to reach the same intent would also be helpful (doesn't have to be exactly method/function based on Cyclomatic, but similar type of measurement).


if there is a code coverage tool with similar features for both java and .NET, that would be phenomenal.





Disclaimer: I'm a Clover developer at Atlassian. I see that you've tagged your question with 'clover' so I'm answering :-)


In Clover you can do it in two ways (also combine them):

1)您可以定义上下文过滤器,并且不对具有圈复杂度< = N的方法进行分析.请参见< clover-setup maxComplexity ="NN">

1) You can define a context filter and do not instrument methods with a cyclomatic complexity <= N. See <clover-setup maxComplexity="NN">

2)您可以定义自定义指标,例如将覆盖范围值(或更佳的未覆盖"值)乘以圈复杂度.这样的度量将显示复杂的,未发现的方法比简单的,未发现的方法更重要.参见< clover-report> /<列>

2) You can define your custom metric, for instance multiply coverage value (or better - the 'uncovered' value) by a cyclomatic complexity. Such metric would show complex, uncovered methods as more significant that simple, uncovered ones. See <clover-report> / <columns>

哦.还有一件事. Clover会自动为您完成操作:-)在HTML报告中,您可以看到主要项目风险"指标的标签云",该指标需要覆盖率+复杂度才能显示应用程序中最潜在的关键部分.

Oh. One more thing. Clover automatically does it for you :-) In the HTML report you can see a "tag cloud" of Top Project Risks metrics which takes coverage+complexity to show the most potentially critical parts of the application.


https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CLOVER/clover -报告

https://confluence.atlassian.com/pages/viewpage .action?pageId = 71600304

https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CLOVER/Treemap +图表


10-23 04:35