



我正在使用 spring-boot spring-rabbitmq 软件包.我有一些配置类和代表客户端的类.该客户端类具有一个用 @RabbitListener 注释的侦听器.使用我的配置和客户端,一切都很好-它确实可以工作.

I am using spring-boot and spring-rabbitmq package. I have some config class and class representing client. This client class has one listener annotated with @RabbitListener. Everything is fine with my config and client - it does work.


However, I need to know some details about internals of this client class. Is something special set in a context ? I would like to be able to inject one of three available datasources (three beans). I mean that I would like to be able based on the first symbol of message (thanks to custom converter I can assume that this symbol happens) that actual datasource bean will be injected/used.

有什么想法吗?也许 spring-rabbitmq 会以某种方式修改上下文?

Any ideas? Maybe spring-rabbitmq modifies in some way context ?


具有 @RabbitListener 的类必须在应用程序上下文中声明为bean(无论哪种方式-都不属于问题范围).并且必须为 singleton -仅创建一次对象.因此,所有注入都必须在其实例化/初始化期间完成.

The class with @RabbitListener must be declared as a bean in application context (either way - out of scope of the question). And it must be singleton - created only once object. Therefore all the injections must be done during its instantiation/initialization.

因此,在该 @RabbitListener 方法调用期间,您应该只选择一个正确的 DataSource ,例如:

So, during that @RabbitListener method invocation you should just choose a proper DataSource, for example from the:

Map<String, DataSource> dataSources;

您在问题中描述的不是Spring Dependency Injection Container的行为.

What you describe in your question isn't a behavior of Spring Dependency Injection Container.


09-06 04:03