NSMutableArray *shortestPath;
// Add inside the CatSprite private properties and methods section
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *shortestPath;
// After the CatSprite @implementation
@synthesize shortestPath;
// Inside initWithLayer
self.shortestPath = nil;
// Inside dealloc
[shortestPath release]; shortestPath = nil;
// Add inside the CatSprite private properties and methods section
- (void)constructPathAndStartAnimationFromStep:(ShortestPathStep *)step;
// Inside moveToward, comment out the pathFound BOOL
//BOOL pathFound = NO;
// Inside moveToward, replace pathFound = YES with this:
[self constructPathAndStartAnimationFromStep:currentStep];
// Also comment all of the debugging statements below that.
// Inside moveToward, replace if (!pathFound) with this:
if (self.shortestPath == nil) { // No path found
// Add this new method:
// Go backward from a step (the final one) to reconstruct the shortest computed path
- (void)constructPathAndStartAnimationFromStep:(ShortestPathStep *)step
self.shortestPath = [NSMutableArray array];
do {
if (step.parent != nil) { // Don't add the last step which is the start position (remember we go backward, so the last one is the origin position ;-)
[self.shortestPath insertObject:step atIndex:0]; // Always insert at index 0 to reverse the path
step = step.parent; // Go backward
} while (step != nil); // Until there is no more parents
for (ShortestPathStep *s in self.shortestPath) {
NSLog(@"%@", s);
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b37160> pos=[24;1] g=1 h=4 f=5
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b37340> pos=[23;1] g=2 h=3 f=5
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b37590> pos=[22;1] g=3 h=2 f=5
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b395c0> pos=[21;1] g=4 h=3 f=7
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b37ae0> pos=[20;1] g=5 h=4 f=9
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b38c60> pos=[20;2] g=6 h=3 f=9
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b36510> pos=[20;3] g=7 h=2 f=9
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b3b850> pos=[21;3] g=8 h=1 f=9
<ShortestPathStep: 0x6b3cf30> pos=[22;3] g=9 h=0 f=9
// Add inside the CatSprite private properties and methods section
- (void)popStepAndAnimate;
// Add to bottom of constructPathAndStartAnimationFromStep
[self popStepAndAnimate];
// Add new method
- (void)popStepAndAnimate
// Check if there remains path steps to go through
if ([self.shortestPath count] == 0) {
self.shortestPath = nil;
// Get the next step to move to
ShortestPathStep *s = [self.shortestPath objectAtIndex:0];
// Prepare the action and the callback
id moveAction = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.4 position:[_layer positionForTileCoord:s.position]];
id moveCallback = [CCCallFunc actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(popStepAndAnimate)]; // set the method itself as the callback
// Remove the step
[self.shortestPath removeObjectAtIndex:0];
// Play actions
[self runAction:[CCSequence actions:moveAction, moveCallback, nil]];
我们的猫咪自动移动到你点击的位置上了 :-)