Intellij IDEA 2018.1.2版本
## Tutorial for writing your templates
## 1. First you need to know basic syntax of velocity[1].
## 2. Then it is necessary to understand the variable that CodeGenerator provides
## and its inner structure for retrieving the information you need for generating code.
## 3. Learn to use the utils provided so that you can ask for further information
## or reduce your workload.
## Variables Provided (Class Mode)
## -------------------------------
## Class mode means you want to create new classes(file).
## - ClassName: String The name spcified by `Target Class Name`
## - PackageName: String The package name specified by `Target Class Name`
## - class0: ClassEntry The class that the action is triggered upon
## - raw: PsiClass
## - String packageName
## - importList: List<String>
## - fields: List<FieldEntry>
## - allFields: List<FieldEntry>
## - methods: List<MethodEntry>
## - allMethods: List<MethodEntry>
## - innerClasses: List<ClassEntry>
## - allInnerClasses: List<ClassEntry>
## - typeParamList: List<String>
## - name: String
## - superName: String
## - superQualifiedName: String
## - qualifiedName: String
## - typeParams: int
## - hasSuper: boolean
## - deprecated: boolean
## - enum: boolean
## - exception: boolean
## - abstract: boolean
## - implementNames: String[]
## - isImplements(String): bool
## - isExtends(String): bool
## - matchName(String): bool
## - class1: ClassEntry The first selected class, where `1` is the postfix
## you specify in pipeline
## ...
## - MemberEntry (FieldEntry/MethodEntry common properties)
## - raw: PsiField(for field), PsiMethod(for method)
## - name: String
## - accessor: String
## - array: boolean
## - nestedArray: boolean
## - collection: boolean
## - map: boolean
## - primitive: boolean
## - string: boolean
## - primitiveArray: boolean
## - objectArray: boolean
## - numeric: boolean
## - object: boolean
## - date: boolean
## - set: boolean
## - list: boolean
## - stringArray: boolean
## - calendar: boolean
## - typeName: String
## - typeQualifiedName: String
## - type: String
## - boolean: boolean
## - long: boolean
## - float: boolean
## - double: boolean
## - void: boolean
## - notNull: boolean
## - char: boolean
## - byte: boolean
## - short: boolean
## - modifierStatic: boolean
## - modifierPublic: boolean
## - modifierProtected: boolean
## - modifierPackageLocal: boolean
## - modifierPrivate: boolean
## - modifierFinal: boolean
## - FieldEntry
## - constant: boolean
## - modifierTransient: boolean
## - modifierVolatile: boolean
## - enum: boolean
## - matchName(String): bool
## - MethodEntry
## - methodName: String
## - fieldName: String
## - modifierAbstract: boolean
## - modifierSynchronzied: boolean
## - modifierSynchronized: boolean
## - returnTypeVoid: boolean
## - getter: boolean
## - deprecated: boolean
## - matchName(String): bool
## Variables for Body Mode
## -----------------------
## - class0: ClassEntry The current class
## - fields: List<FieldEntry> All selected fields
## - methods: List<MethodEntry> All selected methods
## - members: List<MemberEntry> selected fields+methods
## - parentMethod: MethodEntry The nearest method that surround the current cursor
## Utilities
## ---------
## - settings: CodeStyleSettings settings of code style
## - project: Project The project instance, normally used by Psi related utilities
## - helper: GenerationHelper
## - StringUtil: Class
## - NameUtil: Class
## - PsiShortNamesCache: Class utility to search classes
## - PsiJavaPsiFacade: Class Java specific utility to search classes
## - GlobalSearchScope: Class class to create search scopes, used by above utilities
## - EntryFactory: Class EntryFactory.of(...) to turn PsiXXX to XXXEntry.
## Other feature
## -------------
## - Auto import. If the generated code contains full qualified name, Code Generator will try to
## import the packages automatically and shorten the name.
## For example `java.util.List<>` -> `List<>`
## References
## ----------
## - Velocity syntax: public static class Builder {
private ${} instance = new ${}(); private Builder() {} public static Builder getInstance() {
return new Builder();
public static Builder getInstance(${} instance) {
Builder builder = new Builder();
builder.instance = instance;
return builder;
#if ( $members.size() > 0 )
#foreach( $member in $members )
#set($name = $StringUtil.capitalizeWithJavaBeanConvention($StringUtil.sanitizeJavaIdentifier($helper.getPropertyName($member.element, $project))))
public Builder add${name}(${member.type} ${member.accessor}) {
return this;
public ${} build() {
return this.instance;