

本文介绍了记录锁定错误消息的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 您好。我正在创建一个数据库的数据输入问题。我在Access 2003中工作,尽管db是以2000格式创建的。当数据输入首次开始时,db允许多个用户而不会将任何人锁定。最多 - 有4-5人同时进入。数据录入持续数周 - 直到我们的IT人员开始将文件移动到不同的服务器。现在,当不止一个人尝试进行数据输入时,他们会收到错误消息:无法更新当前锁定的数据。每次系统锁定时 - 输入的记录都将被删除。数据录入人员非常沮丧。 我已经测试了我能想到的一切来解决这个问题。我检查了收到错误时是否正在访问相同的记录,但事实并非如此。我读到记录锁定的问题已经改变了2003版本所以我制作了数据库的副本并将其重新格式化为2003.那是行不通的。 我希望有人对于发生了什么有一些想法。这让我和我办公室的IT员工感到难过。 感谢您提供的任何帮助。解决方案 您已在文章部分发布。我正在将此问题移至Access论坛。 ADMIN 您已发布文章部分。我正在将此问题移至Access论坛。 ADMIN 对此我很抱歉。我需要更仔细地观察我在哪里。 对此我很抱歉。我需要更仔细地观察我在哪里。 你很好AbeTown。我们很快就会把它组织得更好,这样会员就不会觉得这么容易出错。 另一方面,你的问题可能是一个问题。目前尚不清楚(至少对我来说)为什么它会像你发布的那样表现出来。当然,共享数据库访问权限的能力在很大程度上取决于基于每个安装(PC)设置的设置(工具/选项),但是相同的PC仍然在使用(或者我从你的问题中收集)。 我会看到锁定功能,但如果它们已经确定,那么我不知道:( Hello. I''m having data entry problems with a database I''ve created. I''m working in Access 2003 although the db was created in 2000 format. When data entry first began the db allowed for multiple users without locking anyone out. At the most - 4-5 people are doing entry at once. Data entry continued fine for several weeks - until our IT staff begun moving files around to different servers. Now when more than one person tries to do data entry they get the error message: "could not update currently locked." Everytime the system locks up - the record being entered is deleted. Very frustrating for data entry people.I''ve tested everything I can think of to fix the problem. I checked to see if the same record was being accessed when the error was received, but that was not the case. I read that the problem of records locking had been changed with the 2003 version so I made a copy of the db and reformatted it to 2003. That didn''t work.I hope someone has some ideas about what''s going on. It''s stumped me and my office''s IT staff.Thanks for any help you can offer. 解决方案 You have posted in the Articles section. I am moving this question to the Access forum.ADMINYou have posted in the Articles section. I am moving this question to the Access forum.ADMINSorry about that. I need to watch more closely where I''m at.Sorry about that. I need to watch more closely where I''m at.You''re fine AbeTown. We''re getting that organised better soon so that members won''t find it so easy to get wrong.Your question, on the other hand, may be a problem. It''s not clear (at least to me) why it would behave that way from what you posted. Certainly, the ability to share access to a database depends very heavily on settings (Tools / Options) which are set on a per installation (PC) basis, but the same PCs are still in use (or so I gather from your question).The locking features are what I would look at, but if they''re already ok then I don''t know :( 这篇关于记录锁定错误消息的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-06 03:49