


below is the method i tried to test but it fails for Employee.CurrentEmployee.IsManager this is a boolean value being fetched from a nested class which is dependent on the session so when i run unit test for this it fails cause there is no session created while i am running unit test so i tried mocking the object

public ActionResult IndexCompleted(PlanModel model)
            int PlanID = model.Plan.PlanID;
            ViewBag.Title = "Plan Number: " + PlanID;
            //Only managers can access the plans (the bride now works at the chapel)
            if ((PlanID == 387484 || PlanID == 765675 || PlanID == 872095 || PlanID == 900535) && !Employee.CurrentEmployee.IsManager)
                return Content("Unauthorized");
            return View(model);



What I have tried:

i am trying to create a mock object butfailing to create it cause i don't have a interface

        public void FetchingPlanModelObjectIfYouAreManagerElseUnauthorized()
            PlanController planController = new PlanController();
            PlanModel planmodel = new PlanModel()
                Plan = new LittleChapel.Plan()
                    PlanID = 387484
            Mock<iemployee> objMock = new Mock<iemployee>();
            objMock.Setup(x => Employee.CurrentEmployee.IsManager).Returns(true);
            //objMock.SetupProperty(x => x.IsManager,true);
            var plan = planController.IndexCompleted(planmodel) as ViewResult;
            Assert.AreEqual(planmodel, plan.ViewData.Model);


void Main()
	var a = new PlanAuthorizationProvider();
	var result = a.IsAuthorized(true, 387484);
	//result.Dump();   // this is for linqpad 

public interface IPlanAuthorizationProvider
  bool IsAuthorized(bool isManager, int planId);

public class PlanAuthorizationProvider : IPlanAuthorizationProvider
  public bool IsAuthorized (bool isManager, int planId)
   // this goes in your app.config
   //  < appSettings >
   //    < add key = "managerOnlyPlanIds" value = "387484,765675,872095,900535" />
   //  </ appSettings >
   //string managerOnlyPlantIds = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["managerOnlyPlanIds"];
   string managerOnlyPlanIds = "387484,765675,872095,900535";
   var listOfManagerOnlyPlanIds =
   if (listOfManagerOnlyPlanIds .Contains(planId))
     return isManager;
     return true;


09-06 02:55