我正在尝试对骆驼路线进行单元测试.被测试的路由扩展了一个自定义的抽象RouteBuilder(我知道关于继承优先于组成-这是维护代码).我已经将测试设置为@Roman Vottner所做的.一切正常(初始化),直到我到达层次结构中的第一个抽象类为止.它具有一个@Autowired类,即使在测试开始时对其进行了模拟和@Autowired,该类也尚未初始化(为null).关于如何解决注射问题的任何想法?
I'm trying to unit test a camel route. The route under test extends a custom abstract RouteBuilder (I know about favouring composition over inheritance - this is maintenance code). I've set up my test as @Roman Vottner did over here. Everything works (is initialized) until I hit the first abstract class up the hierarchy. It has an @Autowired class which wasn't initialized (is null) even though it was mocked and @Autowired when the test started. Any ideas on how to solve my injection problem?
@ContextConfiguration(loader = AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes = {FooRouteTest.ContextConfig.class})
@DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_CLASS)
public class FooRouteTest {
@PropertySource({"classpath:some.properties", "classpath:environment.properties"})
public static class ContextConfig extends CamelConfiguration {
public UserServices userServices() {
return mock(UserServices.class);
} //and many more of the like
private UserServices userServices; //and all the others too
public void testAfoo() throws Exception {
in the abstract super class while debugging:
public ClientServices clientServices;
String clientNumber=clientServices.getLoggedInNumber(); //clientServices is null and not mocked!
Solved this by explicitly declaring FooRoute as a bean:
public FooRoute fooRoute(){
return new FooRoute();
public List<RouteBuilder> routes() {
final List<RouteBuilder> routes = new ArrayList<>();
return routes;