您好!如何在C#windows应用程序中处理多个用户?我创建了一个应用程序来向数据库添加,编辑等记录。现在我想知道谁是添加记录的用户,我使用SELECT Top 1 username FROM tabletransactionlog ORDER BY username DESC来获取添加记录的用户的名称。现在如果有2个或更多用户的应用程序怎么办? s 选择最近登入的(TOP 1)用户不是一个选项。
所以在用户登录后,top 1 ... desc用户获取并记录为添加记录的用户添加记录并且与编辑相同,删除...
Hello! How can I handle multiple user in my C# windows application? I have an application created to add,edit etc. records to the database. Now I want to know who is the user who added the record and I used "SELECT Top 1 username FROM tabletransactionlog ORDER BY username DESC" to get the name of the user who added a record. Now what if there are 2 or more users of the application? selecting the recent(TOP 1) user who logged in isn't an option.
What I have tried:
flow of the app: Login>Main Form
so after the user logged in, top 1... desc user is fetch and recorded as the one who added a record if the user added a record and it goes the same with edit, delete...