


I'm fairly new at using dependency injection and I think I must be overlooking something really simple.

我有一个Web API项目,正在其中注册通用存储库.存储库在其构造函数中将dbContext作为参数.

I have a Web API project where I'm registering generic repositories. The repositories take a dbContext as a parameter in their constructor.


The behavior I find strange is that I can make one successfull call to the service but any subsequent calls tell me that the dbcontext has been disposed. I do have a using statement in there but that shouldn't be a problem since DI is supposed to be creating new instances of my dependencies for each web request(although I could be wrong).


 public class GenericRepository<T> : IGenericRepository<T> where T : class
    internal DbContext _context;
    internal DbSet<T> _dbSet;
    private bool disposed;

    public GenericRepository(DbContext context)
        _context = context;
        _dbSet = _context.Set<T>();

    /// <summary>
    /// This constructor will set the database of the repository
    /// to the one indicated by the "database" parameter
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context"></param>
    /// <param name="database"></param>
    public GenericRepository(string database = null)

    public void SetDatabase(string database)
        var dbConnection = _context.Database.Connection;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(database) || dbConnection.Database == database)

        if (dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)


    public virtual IQueryable<T> Get()
        return _dbSet;

    public virtual T GetById(object id)
        return _dbSet.Find(id);

    public virtual void Insert(T entity)

    public virtual void Delete(object id)
        T entityToDelete = _dbSet.Find(id);

    public virtual void Delete(T entityToDelete)
        if (_context.Entry(entityToDelete).State == EntityState.Detached)


    public virtual void Update(T entityToUpdate)
        _context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;

    public virtual void Save()
    public void Dispose()

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (disposed)

        if (disposing)
            //free managed objects here

        //free any unmanaged objects here
        disposed = true;



Here is my generic repository interface:

 public interface IGenericRepository<T> : IDisposable where T : class
    void SetDatabase(string database);
    IQueryable<T> Get();
    T GetById(object id);
    void Insert(T entity);
    void Delete(object id);
    void Delete(T entityToDelete);
    void Update(T entityToUpdate);
    void Save();


This is my WebApiConfig:

public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Web API configuration and services
        var container = new UnityContainer();

        container.RegisterType<IGenericRepository<Cat>, GenericRepository<Cat>>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(new AnimalEntities()));
        container.RegisterType<IGenericRepository<Dog>, GenericRepository<Dog>>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor(new AnimalEntities()));

        config.DependencyResolver = new UnityResolver(container);

        config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html"));

        // Web API routes

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }


This is my DependencyResolver(which is pretty standard):

public class UnityResolver : IDependencyResolver
    protected IUnityContainer container;

    public UnityResolver(IUnityContainer container)
        this.container = container ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));

    public object GetService(Type serviceType)
            return container.Resolve(serviceType);
        catch (ResolutionFailedException)
            return null;

    public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
            return container.ResolveAll(serviceType);
        catch (ResolutionFailedException)
            return new List<object>();

    public IDependencyScope BeginScope()
        var child = container.CreateChildContainer();
        return new UnityResolver(child);

    public void Dispose()

    protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)


And finally this is part of the controller that's giving me trouble:

public class AnimalController : ApiController
    private readonly IGenericRepository<Cat> _catRepo;
    private readonly IGenericRepository<Dog> _dogPackRepo;

    public AnimalController(IGenericRepository<Cat> catRepository,
        IGenericRepository<Dog> dogRepository)
        _catRepo = catRepository;
        _dogRepo = dogRepository;

    public AnimalDetails GetAnimalDetails(int tagId)
        var animalDetails = new animalDetails();

            var dbName = getAnimalName(tagId);

            if (dbName == null)
                animalDetails.ErrorMessage = $"Could not find animal name for tag Id {tagId}";
                return animalDetails;

        catch (Exception ex)
            //todo: add logging
            animalDetails.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
            return animalDetails;

        return animalDetails;

    private string getAnimalName(int tagId)
            //todo: fix DI so dbcontext is created on each call to the controller
            using (_catRepo)
                return _catRepo.Get().Where(s => s.TagId == tagId.ToString()).SingleOrDefault();
        catch (Exception e)
            //todo: add logging


The using statement around the _catRepo object is not behaving as expected. After I make the first service call the _catRepo is disposed of. On a subsequent call I'm expecting to have a new _catRepo instantiated. However, this is not the case since the error I'm getting talks about the dbcontext being disposed.


I've tried changing the LifeTimeManager to some of the other ones available but that didn't help.


I also started going down a different route where the generic repository would take a second generic class and instantiate its own dbcontext from it. However, when I did that Unity couldn't find my controller's single-parameter constructor.


I guess what I really need, per the comments below, is a way to instantiate the DbContext on a per-request basis. I don't know how to go about doing that though.




I figured out what was going on. As several people have indicated, my repository doesn't need to inherit from IDisposable since the Unity container will dispose of these repositories when the time is right. However, that wasn't the root of my problems.


The main challenge to overcome was getting one dbContext per request. My IGenericRepository interface has stayed the same but my GenericRepository implemenation now looks like this:

public class GenericRepository<TDbSet, TDbContext> :
    IGenericRepository<TDbSet> where TDbSet : class
    where TDbContext : DbContext, new()
    internal DbContext _context;
    internal DbSet<TDbSet> _dbSet;

    public GenericRepository(DbContext context)
        _context = context;
        _dbSet = _context.Set<TDbSet>();

    public GenericRepository() : this(new TDbContext())

    /// <summary>
    /// This constructor will set the database of the repository
    /// to the one indicated by the "database" parameter
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="context"></param>
    /// <param name="database"></param>
    public GenericRepository(string database = null)

    public void SetDatabase(string database)
        var dbConnection = _context.Database.Connection;
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(database) || dbConnection.Database == database)

        if (dbConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)


    public virtual IQueryable<TDbSet> Get()
        return _dbSet;

    public virtual TDbSet GetById(object id)
        return _dbSet.Find(id);

    public virtual void Insert(TDbSet entity)

    public virtual void Delete(object id)
        TDbSet entityToDelete = _dbSet.Find(id);

    public virtual void Delete(TDbSet entityToDelete)
        if (_context.Entry(entityToDelete).State == EntityState.Detached)


    public virtual void Update(TDbSet entityToUpdate)
        _context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;

    public virtual void Save()


The default constructor is now responsible for creating a new DbContext of the type specified when the class is instantiated(I actually have more than one type of DbContext in my application). This allows for a new DbContext to be created for every web request. I tested this by using the using statement in my original repository implementation. I was able to verify that I no longer get the exception about the DbContext being disposed on subsequent requests.


My WebApiConfig now looks like this:

 public static class WebApiConfig
    public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
        // Web API configuration and services
        var container = new UnityContainer();

        container.RegisterType<IGenericRepository<Cat>, GenericRepository<Cat, AnimalEntities>>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor());
        container.RegisterType<IGenericRepository<Dog>, GenericRepository<Dog, AnimalEntities>>(new HierarchicalLifetimeManager(), new InjectionConstructor());

        config.DependencyResolver = new UnityResolver(container);

        config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue("text/html"));

        // Web API routes

            name: "DefaultApi",
            routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{id}",
            defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }


One thing that was causing me a lot of pain here is that I didn't realize I still had to call the InjectionConstructor in order to use the parameterless constructor of the repository class. Not including the InjectionConstructor was causing me to get the error about my controller's constructor not being found.


Once I got over that hurdle I was able to change my controller what I have below. The main difference here is that I'm no longer using using statments:

public class IntegrationController : ApiController
    private readonly IGenericRepository<Cat> _catRepo;
    private readonly IGenericRepository<Dog> _dogPackRepo;

    public IntegrationController(IGenericRepository<Cat> catRepository,
        IGenericRepository<Dog> dogRepository)
        _catRepo = catRepository;
        _dogRepo = dogRepository;

public AnimalDetails GetAnimalDetails(int tagId)
    var animalDetails = new animalDetails();

        var dbName = getAnimalName(tagId);

        if (dbName == null)
            animalDetails.ErrorMessage = $"Could not find animal name for tag Id {tagId}";
            return animalDetails;
    catch (Exception ex)
        //todo: add logging
        animalDetails.ErrorMessage = ex.Message;
        return animalDetails;

    return animalDetails;

private string getAnimalName(int tagId)
         return _catRepo.Get().Where(s => s.TagId ==
    catch (Exception e)
        //todo: add logging


09-06 01:31