


I admit it. I am using singletons. I know what you may all say, and frankly, seeing all these answers on the Internet, saying about the bad aspects of singletons, and advising against them really made me question my programming practices.


I have already read some posts in StackOverflow regarding Singletons, but I post this question not only to ask about them, but to see some insights about the way I use them in my programs.


I feel I must really clarify some things here and ask fore directions.

所以让我们考虑一些情况下,我使用singletons很多: p>

So lets consider some cases where I use singletons a lot:

  1. 创建全局变量的访问器,如我的根视图控制器,特定的和始终存在的视图控制器,应用程序状态,我的全局托管对象上下文。

  2. 创建实用程序类,其作业是处理应用程序范围内的数据。例如,我创建一个Singleton将操作我的缓存数据库,它依赖于Core Data。因为我需要创建缓存和其他东西在不同的视图中被放入数据库,它以某种方式感到更好地创建一个类,将处理数据库输入/输出(仔细的线程安全)。

  3. 处理网络会话。实际上,我使用它来保持连接,并每XX秒向服务器发送类似PINg的东西。


I think that about sums it up. I would really like opinions from other developers on the matter.


Do you think that there are better solutions for these problems above?


Do you think that there are always better alternatives to singletons and that they should be avoided?


Is it better in terms of multithreading to forget about singletons?


Any recommendations and thoughts would be useful, and most welcome.


p> singletons当然不总是邪恶的,但正如你提到的,你必须小心线程的安全性(关于这一主题,检查这

Singletons are certainly not always evil, but as you mention you have to be careful about thread safety (on that topic, check out this blog post on singleton initialization).


One reason why singletons are often decried as evil is that they can make it harder to "scale" parts of a program if they rely too much on a singleton and its behavior. You mention database access, a server or desktop application might start out with singleton implementation to handle all database needs and then later try to use multiple connections to speed up independent requests, etc. Breaking up such code can be very hard.


Even in an iOS application using CoreData it can be useful to not rely on a global ManagedObjectContext on your application delegate or some root view controller.


If you pass each view controller a reference to a ManagedObjectContext you can gain some flexibility. Most of the time you'll just pass the same context from one view controller to the next, but if you ever decide to in the future, you can for example create a new ManagedObjectContext for an editing view where you can use the undo features of the context but only merge the changes back into the "root" context if the user decides to save them or easily discard them otherwise. Or maybe you want to do some background processing on a whole set of objects. If everything operates on the same context, you'll end up with synchronization issues.
