




I am using following code to pre-populate the post dialog. But I'm getting a empty dialogbox, nevertheless:

        Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
        parameters.putString("app_id", appID);
        parameters.putString("name", "Facebook Dialog");
        parameters.putString("caption", "Reference Documentation");

        parameters.putString("message", "Facebook Dialogs are easy!");

        facebook.dialog(score.this, "feed", parameters, new DialogListener() {

            public void onComplete(Bundle values) {

            public void onFacebookError(FacebookError error) {

            public void onError(DialogError e) {

            public void onCancel() {


However, if it is possible, I would like no dialog at all and directly post to the users wall.



I don't develop for Android, but I know Facebook made a change in handling of the message parameter in the feed dialog that might be causing your problem.

一直以来对政策pre-填充的消息参数。它必须是用户生成的。在过去几个月的某一点停止的Facebook甚至接受它在饲料对话框,什么可能导致你的问题中使用。现在唯一的方式,你可以作为一个参数是发布到通过图形API的饲料通过。当然,你还需要确保遵守政策,您的应用程序设计,使用户填写信息 - 它不能是一个应用程序生成的字符串

It has always been against policy to pre-populate the message parameter. It must be user-generated. At some point in the last couple of months Facebook stopped even accepting it for use in the Feed dialog, which is what might be causing your problem. Now the only way you can pass it as a parameter is by posting to the feed via the graph API. Of course you still need to be sure to comply with policy in your app design and make the user populate the message -- it cannot be an app-generated string.


So, since you don't even want the dialog, you should really look into posting via the graph API. You will need to obtain the publish_stream extended permission and then perform a POST to the user's feed. See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/post/


09-05 23:59