




My app received an error code 2001 during the preprocessing phase of submission. 

这是确切的措辞:T 他的提交失败,错误代码为2001.有关

This is the exact wording: This submission failed with error code(s) 2001. More info about the error(s) can be found here.


The link takes you to a page (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/publish/resolve-submission-errors?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396)talking about 2001 in incredibly vague terms. I don't know where to look for a solution, here.


I've checked the AppManifest for duplicates, and there are none.

我正在使用Unity 5.3.3和Visual Studio Community Edition 2015构建它。

I'm building this with Unity 5.3.3 and Visual Studio Community Edition 2015.


I have no idea where to go from here...


  1. 获取一个Windows应用程序认证工具包,可以排除故障排除的猜测。 Windows 10的SDK仍然可以对Windows 8.1进行认证检查。 
  2. 始终在 clean 目录中构建,因为在没有清理的情况下在旧目录之上构建可能会导致很多问题。清理/重建您的解决方案并清除错误。 
  3. 确保没有其他平台的本机代码 - 您无法使用Google或iOS社交Windows上的服务。使用Prime [31]插件集成iOS"游戏中心"将导致您的应用被拒绝。 
  4. 始终提交版本,而不是发布版本或调试版本。
  5. 您将需要完全删除Prime [31]以摆脱 p31RestKit.dll 导致您的错误"此支持的API测试检测到以下错误"。 
  6. 将其保存为一个全新的项目,因此它没有任何旧引用。不要将Unity构建到以前的版本上。
  7. 在Windows Phone上进行测试时,手机必须在部署之前解锁并打开。然后可以在启动手机之前部署项目。 
  1. Get a Windows App Certification Kit that works to take the guesswork out of the troubleshooting. Windows 10's SDK can still do certification checks for Windows 8.1. 
  2. Always build in clean directories, because building on top of old directories without cleaning may cause a lot of problems. Clean / Rebuild your solution and Clear your errors. 
  3. Make sure there is nothing that has native code from other platforms -- you can't use Google or iOS social services on Windows. Using the Prime[31] plugin for integrating iOS "Game Center" will cause your app to be rejected. 
  4. Always submit a Master build, not a Release build or a Debug build. 
  5. You will need to completely remove Prime[31] to get rid of the p31RestKit.dll that is causing your error regarding "This supported APIs test detected the following errors". 
  6. Save it as an entirely new project so it has no old references anywhere. Don't build from Unity onto a previous build at all. 
  7. When testing on a Windows Phone, the phone must be unlocked and turned on before deploying. Then the project can be deployed before starting up on the phone. 


09-05 23:57