




I've created an installer in VS2010 for installing my application, but it has some 3rd party prerequisites such as python.I've tried to include the additional installers as embedded resource, extract them as files and run them (as custom actions). It works, but seems like running 2 installers at the same time is impossible, so when these installers are installed from my installer, I get an error.

(属性页中的先决条件无济于事,因为它们仅与.NET和sql server等ms内容相关...)

How can I install these 3rd party applications during my application installation?(The 'prerequisites' in the property pages are not helping, as they are only relevant for ms stuff such as .NET and sql server...)



您可以使用System.Diagnostics.Process。它可以在给定的路径上执行文件,例如MySQL服务器安装程序。 但是,您需要提供正如Ramhound在其评论中建议的那样,请看一下可以编写安装程序的商业产品。包括我个人最喜欢的Advanced Installer在内的一些工具提供了可能满足您最初要求的免费版本的工具。

you can use System.Diagnostics.Process for that. It can execute files on a given path, e.g. MySQL server installer. see this You would however need to supply the executable file.As Ramhound suggested in his comment, have a look at the commercial products to author your installer. Several, including my personal favorite Advanced Installer, offer free versions of the tool that may satisfy your initial requirements.


Depending upon how the prerequisites are packaged (MSI or EXE) your MSI might not directly be able to install the prereq without the use of a custom action or a bootstrapper that would search the target system for the prereq and install it if it not present on the target system.

顺便说一句,除了我几年来一直是付费客户外,我与Advanced Installer没有任何隶属关系。除了优质的产品外,他们的服务也非常出色。

As an aside, I have no affiliation with Advanced Installer other than the fact that I've been a paying customer for a few years now. In addition to a solid product their service is excellent as well.


09-05 23:40