



感谢StackOverflow,我昨天发现了如何向Visual Studio安装程序中添加自定义操作,以便在更新后启动程序。我现在面临的问题是,在安装程序结束时,程序确实会打开,但是直到我退出应用程序,安装程序才完成。

Thanks to StackOverflow I found out yesterday how to add a custom action to the Visual Studio Installer to start my program after an update. The problem I now face is that at the end of the installer the program does open but the installer never finishes until I exit my app.


Is there a way to ensure the app starts only after the user clicks finish on the MSI package?Or the program starts at finish of installer but installer completes and exits?

如果有必要,我正在运行Visual Studio 2010。

I am running Visual Studio 2010 in case it matters.


在进行了一次Google搜索之后,我发现Visual Studio Installer的自定义操作可能需要指向Installer类。因此,我在解决方案中创建了一个类型为class的新项目。我删除了class1.cs文件,并使用以下代码将安装程序类添加到了新项目中(注意:需要在某些时候使用security.permissions):

After some Googling, I found out that the custom action for the Visual Studio Installer might need to point to an Installer Class. So I created a new project of type class in my solution. I deleted the class1.cs file and added an installer class to the new project with the following code (mental note: need to use security.permissions at some point):

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Configuration.Install;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security.Permissions;

namespace AppName
    public partial class InstallerClass : System.Configuration.Install.Installer
        public InstallerClass()

        public override void Commit(System.Collections.IDictionary savedState)
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(Context.Parameters["TARGETDIR"].ToString() + "application.exe");
            // Very important! Removes all those nasty temp files.


After the InstallerClass was added, I right clicked on the installer project and selected Add > Project Output and added the installer class. I then right clicked on the installed project and did View > Custom Action. I added the installer class to both the Install and Commit folders (if you only add it to Commit, you will get an Error 1001: could not find file InstallState. because of the override commit, it will only run on commit. apparently InstallState is created at stage 2 so if if its not in both it will fail miserably).

您必须添加CustomActionData条目。为此,选择 InstallerClass的主要输出,然后转到属性选项卡。将以下内容粘贴到CustomActionData中:

You must add a CustomActionData entry. To do so, select the "Primary Output from InstallerClass" and go to the Properites tab. Paste the following in CustomActionData:



After that was added the app runs properly when the install finishes and you can close the installer instead of waiting on the app to exit!




Figured out how to get rid of the temp files. Updated code with Dispose().


09-05 23:39