在创建一个Visual Studio插件,你怎么能利用一个app.config的加载项。如果我添加一个项目并部署它,然后在外接程序运行,并以编程方式尝试通过它不是捡的加载配置文件中的ConfigurationManager.AppSettings访问它。
When creating a Visual Studio Add-In, how can you utilise an app.config for the add-in. If I add one to the project and deploy it then when the Add-In runs and I programmatically try to access it via the ConfigurationManager.AppSettings its not picking up the config file for the add-in.
Am I doing something wrong or is there another means to access file based configuration settings for an add-in?
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings picks up the configuration file for the AppDomain you are loaded into. That config file is typically the one associated with the entry point executable. In your case, you don't control the entry point executable nor the AppDomain you run in so you can't use ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.
你的问题基本上可以归结为我怎样才能有一个DLL相关的配置文件? ( C#DLL配置文件)。你需要做两件事情:
You question basically boils down to "How can I have a config file associated with a DLL?" (C# Dll config file). You need to do two things:
- 在添加应用程序配置文件的项目到项目,并确保它部署到同一文件夹作为你的DLL。
- Add an Application Configuration File item to your project and make sure you deploy it to the same folder as your DLL.
Access the config file from your DLL using code like this:
string pluginAssemblyPath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location;
Configuration configuration = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(pluginAssemblyPath);
string someValue = configuration.AppSettings.Settings["SomeKey"].Value;
That will definitely work for regular DLLs that are not loaded using shadow copy. I'm not sure how VS loads its plugins. If you run into problems, let me know and I can post a work around for DLLs that get loaded via shadow copy.
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