我最终发现,Visual Studio会跟踪您如何创建项目(换句话说,您最初选择的是哪个项目模板),并在以后根据该初始决定过滤选项.该信息作为< ProjectTypeGuids>保留在* .csproj文件中.元素.
I finally figured out that Visual Studio keeps track of how you create a project (in other words which project template you select initially) and filters your options later based on that initial decision. The information is kept in the *.csproj file as a <ProjectTypeGuids> element.
除了仅编辑* .csproj文件之外,还有没有正确"的方式来更改现有项目的项目类型?
Other than just editing the *.csproj file, is there a "right" way to change a project type for an existing project?
Considering the significance of that setting it seems likely there's a place in the GUI to change it, but I couldn't find one. Thanks!
在Visual Studio中,项目类型作为GUID存储在.csproj XML文件中.您必须更改GUID才能定义所需的新项目类型.
In visual studio the project type is stored inside the .csproj XML file as GUID. You have to change the GUID to define the new project type you want.
检查 http://www.mztools.com/Articles/2008/MZ2008017.aspx 一些可用的GUID
check http://www.mztools.com/Articles/2008/MZ2008017.aspx for some of the availbale GUIDs
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