



$ b我目前拥有大量域名,我要求 帮助尝试找到一个允许我快速上传它们的系统,每个系统都有自己的自我更新内容,以及着陆页上的一些广告,类似于停放的页面。

几年前,我用 10年前购买了我的前几个域名,并提出了一些很好的想法,但缺乏自己制作网站的能力,所以决定聘请设计师/开发团队来创建我的愿景。然而,我选择的团队只拿走了一半钱而没有提供达成一致的解决方案。在这个失望之后,我聘请了另一位设计师,他说他也做了开发,但几个月后告诉我​​他已经接近了,然后承认我想要的超出了他的能力。所以我在自己决定后开始学习编码,也许不是最明智的事情 a快速周转,但至少我会 收费!

到目前为止,我仍然拥有原始域名,加上更多,现在超过 1000 ,每个都有一个特定的想法在他们身后,虽然现在已经完成了一些想法(并且在电视上做广告,但是在
同时,我有我的域名在Godaddy 停放,当我点击时,我几乎没有赚到任何东西,甚至来自
1000+域的,所以我正在寻找 方法 我可以拥有自己的广告并赚取自己的收入,这不是因为我可以赚到一笔钱,而是赚取部分或全部年度域名续费的费用。你可以想象,我非常 out 拥有它们 所以

理想情况下我需要一个系统其中我可以上传多个域 一些点击次数,有内容Feed(我可以设置 不同的主题区域,使用自己的关键字)和所有大部分点击收入都归我所有。理想情况下会有某种CMS,以便我可以添加内容作为何时我希望和如果可以让其他用户能够 add content 以增加网站上的内容量。如果
,那么建议 任何接近真的会帮助我。

是否有任何影响我可能错过了, 示例SEO?

Apologies 帖子的长度,但是你真的很重要的是你们不认为我只是在尝试获取有关如何设置 up垃圾网站的信息。

感谢 阅读,我期待一些建议



I currently own a large amount of domain names, am asking for help trying to find a system that will allow me to quickly upload them, each with there own self-updating content, and a few ads on a landing page, similar to a parked page.
Before you come back to me with comments of spamming, or lazy money-grabber or the like, please read the following that explains the reasons why I am attempting to find this solution.

I bought my first few domain names over 10 years ago with some great ideas, but lacked the capability of making the sites myself, and so decided to employ a designer / developer team to create my vision.  However, the team I chose walked away with half the money and did not provide the solution that was agreed. After this disappointment, I employed another designer who said he also did development, but after several months telling me he was getting close, then admitted that what I wanted was beyond his capability. So I started to learn to code after deciding to do it myself, maybe not the most sensible thing for a quick turnover, but at least I would be in charge!

On to the present day, I still own the original domain name, plus a load more, now over 1000, each with a specific idea behind them, although some of the ideas have now been done (and are advertised on TV to rub my nose in it!)
Meanwhile, I had my domain "parked" at Godaddy, and whilst I was getting click-throughs, I was barely earning anything, even from 1000+ domains, so I am looking for a method where I can have my own ads and earn my own revenue, NOT SO THAT I CAN MAKE A TON OF MONEY, but rather to earn some or all of the cost of annual domain renewals. As you can imagine, I am considerably out of pocket having owned them for so long.

Ideally I need a system where I can upload multiple domains in a few clicks, have content feeds (which I can set for different subject areas, with their own keywords) and all majority of click revenue goes to me. Ideally there would be some kind of CMS so that I could add content as and when I want to, and if possible to have additional users be able to add content as well to increase the amount of content over the sites. If this is not possible then suggestions for anything close would really help me right now.
This then allows me time to continue learning my code, and decide which ideas to pursue whilst drastically reducing my outlay, then giving me time to implement some of the domains into actual site, and see if they work

Are the any implications which I may have missed, for example SEO?

Apologies for the length of the post, but it was really important that you guys did not think that I am just trying to get information on how to set up spam sites.

Thanks for reading and I will look forward to some suggestions



09-05 23:00