Is there a way of running an ASP.NET website in a subfolder of the website?
例如,我想运行螺旋式wiki a href =http://www.screwturn.eu/ =nofollow noreferrer> http://www.screwturn.eu/ )在我的网站上名为wiki的文件夹中,我可以修改screwturn网站的web.config,告诉它它正在wiki文件夹中运行? (比如说〜/=/ wiki /)
As an example, say I wanted to run the screwturn wiki (http://www.screwturn.eu/) in a folder called "wiki" on my website, can I alter the web.config of the screwturn website to tell it that it is running in the "wiki" folder? (like saying that "~/" = "/wiki/")
然后,wiki会在/ wiki /
The wiki would then find its assemblies that are in "~/bin" in "/wiki/bin" and the same for all other folders below the new root.
Piece of cake, you can either add a virtual directory to the root of the IIS website and point it at the path of your site or place it an a physical directory in the website root then turn it into an application by right-clicking on it in the IIS management console, going to properties and clicking "Create" next to application name.