I am working on a small educational project to exercise perst.net.
We have a tiny design problem, that is how to best resolve the relation between two classes of objects, that is the participant and championship. It is a many to many relation as participant can take part in many championships and championships can have a multiple participants.
Please advise how to do this best in C#, should I use the 'relational DB like' technical class?
如果你正在寻找一种面向对象(或领域驱动设计)的方法,然后第三个对象来处理的加入是完全错误的方式去了解这一点。您可以使用ILists /可枚举与添加...方法来处理这个如下:
If you're looking for an object oriented (or domain driven design) approach then a third object to handle the 'join' is entirely the wrong way to go about this. You can use ILists / Enumerables with Add... methods to handle this as follows:
public class Participant
private readonly IList<Championship> _championships = new List<Championship>();
public IEnumerable<Championship> Championships
get { return _championships; }
internal void AddChampionship(Championship championship)
if (!_championships.Contains(championship))
public class Championship
private readonly IList<Participant> _participants = new List<Participant>();
public IEnumerable<Participant> Participants
get { return _participants; }
public void AddParticipant(Participant participant)
if (_participants.Contains(participant)) return;
这里的关键是要确保您管理的关系从一个侧面唯一的 - 如在这种情况下,这将是通过调用championship.AddParticipant()
The key here is to make sure you manage the relationship from one side only - e.g. in this case that would be by calling championship.AddParticipant()