


I have an action that relies on User.Identity.Name to get the username of the current user to get a list of his orders:

public ActionResult XLineas()
        ViewData["Filtre"] = _options.Filtre;
        ViewData["NomesPendents"] = _options.NomesPendents;
        return View(_repository.ObteLiniesPedido(User.Identity.Name,_options.Filtre,_options.NomesPendents));


Now I'm trying to write unit tests for this, but I get stuck on how to provide a Mock for User.Identity.Name. If I run my test as I have it (without mock for User...), I get a Null.. exception.


Which is the correct approach for this? I'm thinking that my Action code is not good for unit testing.


这样做的更好的方式是通过一个字符串参数的userName (或的IPrincipal 参数用户,如果你需要的不仅仅是名称的详细信息)到ActionMethod,您在使用ActionFilterAttribute一个正常请求注入。当你测试它,你只要提供自己的模仿对象,作为动作过滤器的code将无法运行(在大多数情况下 - 有办法,如果你特别希望......)

A better way of doing this would be to pass a string argument userName (or an IPrincipal argument user, if you need more information than just the name) to the ActionMethod, which you "inject" in a normal request using an ActionFilterAttribute. When you test it, you just supply your own mock object, as the action filter's code will not run (in most cases - there are ways to, if you specifically want to...)



09-05 22:22