



我要建一个ASP.NET的WebAPI 2.1的应用程序,每个请求缓存需要HttpContext.Items的等效作为。



    私人只读IUnityContainer _container;
    私人只读IHttpControllerActivator _activator;    公共HttpControllerActivator(IUnityContainer容器,IHttpControllerActivator激活)
        _container =容器;
        _activator =激活;
    }    公共IHttpController创建(HTT prequestMessage要求,HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor,类型controllerType)
        IHttpController控制器= _activator.Create(请求controllerDescriptor,controllerType);
        _container.RegisterInstance&所述; System.Net.Http.Htt prequestMessage>(请求,新HierarchicalLifetimeManager());        返回控制器;    }

但这个注册的Htt prequestMessage根容器,不是孩子一家由BeginScope()创建内部_activator.Create呼吁。这样一来,我的并发负载下获得混合请求实例。



I recommend you take another look at async and await. It is possible to use async for your part of the implementation and have it interoperate with other asynchronous APIs.

That said, if you want to preserve HttpContext.Current (as well as culture, etc.), then the key is SynchronizationContext. I have an MSDN article on that type that you may find helpful. Since your code is using TPL, you would probably want to capture the request context into a task scheduler:

var requestContext = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();

and then use that to schedule your task continuations.

The other important aspect of asynchronous work on ASP.NET is to ensure that the runtime is aware of your asynchronous work. You can do this by calling AsyncOperationManager.CreateOperation to register asynchronous work before it starts and AsyncOperation.OperationCompleted to notify the runtime that the asynchronous work has completed. Alternatively, you can capture the SynchronizationContext.Current and call SynchronizationContext.OperationStarted and SynchronizationContext.OperationCompleted yourself.

Again, take another look at async and await and see if it's at all possible to use them; they'll take care of all the gritty details like this for you.


09-05 22:19