

这是来自Play文档的授权示例(2.0版. 4;我试图找到此文档的较新版本,但找不到):

Here's an authorisation example from Play Documentation (version 2.0.4; I tried to find a newer version of this document but couldn't):

trait Secured {

  def username(request: RequestHeader) = request.session.get(Security.username)

  def onUnauthorized(request: RequestHeader) = Results.Redirect(routes.Auth.login)

  def withAuth(f: => String => Request[AnyContent] => Result) = {
    Security.Authenticated(username, onUnauthorized) { user =>
      Action(request => f(user)(request))

  def withUser(f: User => Request[AnyContent] => Result) = withAuth { username => implicit request =>
    UserDAO.findOneByUsername(username).map { user =>


Overall this is pretty straightforward, and I'd like to go with something like this.

现在,在Play 2.4中,推荐的方法不再是 来使用单例(如上述UserDAO),而是改为使用类和运行时DI(请参见迁移指南,或 DI文档).

Now, in Play 2.4 the recommended way is not to use singletons anymore (like UserDAO above), but classes and runtime DI instead (see migration guide, or DI docs).


For example, my service and repository classes are defined like this:

class AuthService @Inject()(accountRepo: AccountRepository) { }

class AccountRepository { }

使用Play 2.4和DI时,推荐的/正确的"/最简单的方式来获得服务或DAO(例如,在我的情况下为AuthService,在doc示例中为UserDAO)是什么?像Secured这样的特质?

With Play 2.4 and DI in use, what is the recommended / "correct" / simplest way to get hold of a service or DAO (like AuthService in my case, or UserDAO in the doc example) in a trait like Secured?


Or are you nowadays supposed to implement authorisation for controllers in a whole another way than using such trait?


I can make it work along these lines:

trait Secured {
  val authService = GuiceUtils.inject[AuthService]
  // ...


object GuiceUtils {
  lazy val injector = new GuiceApplicationBuilder().injector()
  def inject[T: ClassTag]: T = injector.instanceOf[T]



If that is true, what is considered good practice in this use case?



I think the simplest approach would be to declare the authService in your trait but keep it abstract, then have the controller which extends it handle the injection (I believe this is how MessagesApi/I18nSupport injection works). So you could do:

trait Secured {
  val authService: AuthService

controller Application @Inject()(override val authService: AuthService) extends Controller with Secured {


09-05 22:13