




Please can anyone help me to understand my project. I am unable to access connString from web.config file to my BO and DA layers which are physically separated as class library projects in the same solution. Though i have read many articles but I can''t understand such architecture. I have CRUD methods and Entity Classes in DA layer. All I want is to validated DB method in DA only.
suppose to get my conString if i need to write it in BaseClass in a fashion like below. Need to declare Constructors for connStr with argument and without arguments as connectionString. And a friend Property. I dont know either class should be private or public but such method i have seen in DNNuke site architecture. Please if you can help me in this way then sir i would be very much thankful. I tried But alot of errors like "The format is incorrect" or "Invalid connection String...."
Please could you favour me how to access my classes from one layer to another.Thank you


public abstract class MyDALBase
  public MyDALBase()
    // Set default connection string

  public MyDALBase(string connString)
    ConnectionString = connString;

  protected string ConnectionString{get; private set;}

public class MyDAL : MyDALBase
  public MyDAL() : base(){}
  public MyDAL(string connString) : base(connString){}

您应该查看诸如企业库数据访问应用程序块之类的框架. IMO

You should look at frameworks like the Enterprise Library Data Access Application Block. DNN is not a good implementation for anything, IMO


09-05 22:08