


I'm trying to convert this String:



To a Java Date, so far, here's what I did:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S");
Date date1 = sdf.parse("2011-06-07T14:08:59.697", new java.text.ParsePosition(0));

几乎一切都很好,除了最重要的部分,时区! !
是期望在 +/- hhmm 中的TimeZone,而我的是 +/- hh:mm 格式。

Almost everything is good, except the most important part, the timezone !!The problem with SimpleDateFormat is that it expect a TimeZone in +/-hhmm and mine is in +/-hh:mm format.


Also, and I don't know why, this works:

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S Z");
Date date1 = sdf.parse("2011-06-07T14:08:59.697 -0700", new java.text.ParsePosition(0));


But this does not (the space before the timezone):

SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SZ");
Date date1 = sdf.parse("2011-06-07T14:08:59.697-0700", new java.text.ParsePosition(0));

转换此日期的正确格式是什么 2011-06-07T14: 08:59.697-07:00 到java日期?

What is the correct format to transform this date 2011-06-07T14:08:59.697-07:00 to a java date ?



看起来像ISO 8601标准的日期和时间格式,因为它在XML中使用。不幸的是,Java的 SimpleDateFormat 不正确地支持该格式,因为它不能处理时区中的冒号。

That looks like the ISO 8601 standard date and time format as it is used in XML. Unfortunately, Java's SimpleDateFormat doesn't support that format properly, because it can't deal with the colon in the timezone.

但是, javax.xml 包中包含可以处理此格式的类。

However, the javax.xml package contains classes that can deal with this format.

String text = "2011-06-07T14:08:59.697-07:00";
XMLGregorianCalendar cal = DatatypeFactory.newInstance().newXMLGregorianCalendar(text);

如果您需要它作为 java.util.Calendar 然后您可以调用 toGregorianCalendar()

If you need it as a java.util.Calendar then you can call toGregorianCalendar() on it:

Calendar c2 = cal.toGregorianCalendar();

当然,你可以得到一个 java.util.Date 其中:

And ofcourse you can get a java.util.Date out of that:

Date date = c2.getTime();


You could also use the popular Joda Time library which natively supports this format (and has a much better API for dealing with dates and times than Java's standard library).


09-05 21:53