本文介绍了怎样才能发现在Silverlight SetBinding sucess还是失败?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



  Binding binding = new Binding(SourceName);
  binding.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;
  BindingExpressionBase beb = SetBinding(SourceDependencyProperty, binding);


I would like to detect whether or not the SetBinding was successful. SetBinding obviously knows when it has an issue because it displays in the Output window tracing when the application is running:

System.Windows.Data错误:BindingEx pression路径错误:在Tc.Views.TestAccount...

System.Windows.Data Error: BindingExpression path error: 'InterestRate' property not found on 'Tc.Views.TestAccount' ...

该BindingEx pressionBase看起来是一样的我SetBinding()是成功还是失败,并没有什么异常抛出。我尝试了不同的值的绑定通知的标志以及

The BindingExpressionBase looks the same to me whether SetBinding() succeeds or fails and there is no exception thrown. I tried different values for the binding notification flags as well.




I suggest you use Karl Shiflett's Glimpse for Silverlight. The GlimpseService exposes an API that'll allow you to handle any binding exceptions manually.

的基本技术是相当简单 - 听Application.UnhandledException和Application.RootVisu​​al.BindingValidationError,你应该能够拦截绑定错误。

The basic technique is fairly simple - listen to Application.UnhandledException and Application.RootVisual.BindingValidationError and you should be able to intercept binding errors.

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10-27 04:33