



我在这段代码中有一个错误。调试器建议它的原因是这行代码 char chr = getSecretWord.charAt(i);

这段代码的作用是寻找 userInput secretWord 之间的匹配。我有 for loop 逐个查看secretWord字母的长度,如果有匹配的字母返回true。如果没有,返回false ...但是当假设只返回false时程序崩溃...我想这是这行的东西,但是不知道究竟是什么 getSecretWord.charAt(i) ;

  private boolean isMatchingSecretWord(String userInput)
String secretWord =;
String getSecretWord = getSecretWord();
for(int i = 0; i< = getSecretWord.length(); i ++)
char chr = getSecretWord.charAt(i);
secretWord =+ chr;

println(is true);

作为旁注,我对此代码所做的是正确的,将getSecretWorld()方法赋给String,这样我就可以使用Strings方法 length()

String getSecretWord = getSecretWord();

for(int i = 0; i< = getSecretWord.length(); i ++)


at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:686)
at Hangman.isMatchingSecretWord(Hangman.java:49)
at Hangman.userInput(Hangman.java:34 )

  for(int i = 0; i< = getSecretWord.length(); i ++)
// ^^^

n -character字符串(或 n -element数组)的有效索引是 0 n-1 包含。

所以,如果您的密码是 xyyzy ,有效索引为0到4。你的原始循环迭代, i 通过 5设置为零,因此问题。


首先,我会删除一个混乱的来源 - 函数名称听起来像用户输入和秘密字必须完全匹配,而你的评论指示否则:


  private boolean isInSecretWord (String userInput){
String secretWord = getSecretWord();

I have a bug in this block of code. The debugger suggest it´s cause is this line of code char chr = getSecretWord.charAt(i);

What this code does is look for a match between userInput and secretWord. I have the for loop to go through the length of the secretWord letters one by one, and if there is a letter matching return true. If not, return false... but the program crashes when it is suppose to just return false... I guess it is something with this line, but do not know exactly what getSecretWord.charAt(i);

    private boolean isMatchingSecretWord(String userInput)
    String secretWord = "";
    String getSecretWord = getSecretWord();
    for (int i = 0; i <= getSecretWord.length();i++)
        char chr = getSecretWord.charAt(i);
        secretWord = ""+chr;

        if (secretWord.equals(userInput))
            println("is true");
            return true;
    return false;

As an side note, is what I´ve done with this code correct, assigning the getSecretWorld() Method to a String so I can use the Strings method length()?

String getSecretWord = getSecretWord();

for (int i = 0; i <= getSecretWord.length();i++)

Debug code:

Exception in thread "Thread-4" java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 4
    at java.lang.String.charAt(String.java:686)
    at Hangman.isMatchingSecretWord(Hangman.java:49)
    at Hangman.userInput(Hangman.java:34)
    at Hangman.run(Hangman.java:20)*
for (int i = 0; i <= getSecretWord.length(); i++)

should be:

for (int i = 0; i < getSecretWord.length(); i++)
//               ^^^
//             see here

The valid indexes for an n-character string (or an n-element array) are 0 through n-1 inclusive.

So, if your secret word is xyyzy, the valid indexes are zero through four. Your original loop iterates with i set to zero through five, hence the problem.

But there seems to be a lot of unnecessary code in there, when you could get away with something simple.

First, I would remove a source of confusion - the function name sounds like the user input and the secret word have to match completely whereas your comment indicates otherwise:

In that case, you simply want to see if the single character exists in the secret word. I would change the function name to suit and, even then, it can be done with a lot less code:

private boolean isInSecretWord (String userInput) {
    String secretWord = getSecretWord();
    return secretWord.contains(userInput);


09-05 21:31