

本文介绍了WCF 依赖注入和抽象工厂的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有这个 wcf 方法

I have this wcf method

Profile GetProfileInfo(string profileType, string profileName)


如果 profileType 是从数据库中读取的A".

if profileType is "A" read from database.

如果 profileType 是从 xml 文件中读取的B".

if profileType is "B" read from xml file.


The question is: how to implement it using a dependency injection container?


让我们首先假设您有一个 IProfileRepository,如下所示:

Let's first assume that you have an IProfileRepository something like this:

public interface IProfileRepository
     Profile GetProfile(string profileName);

以及两个实现:DatabaseProfileRepositoryXmlProfileRepository.问题是您想根据 profileType 的值选择正确的.

as well as two implementations: DatabaseProfileRepository and XmlProfileRepository. The issue is that you would like to pick the correct one based on the value of profileType.


You can do this by introducing this Abstract Factory:

public interface IProfileRepositoryFactory
    IProfileRepository Create(string profileType);

假设 IProfileRepositoryFactory 已经被注入到服务实现中,你现在可以像这样实现 GetProfileInfo 方法:

Assuming that the IProfileRepositoryFactory has been injected into the service implementation, you can now implement the GetProfileInfo method like this:

public Profile GetProfileInfo(string profileType, string profileName)
    return this.factory.Create(profileType).GetProfile(profileName);

IProfileRepositoryFactory 的具体实现可能如下所示:

A concrete implementation of IProfileRepositoryFactory might look like this:

public class ProfileRepositoryFactory : IProfileRepositoryFactory
    private readonly IProfileRepository aRepository;
    private readonly IProfileRepository bRepository;

    public ProfileRepositoryFactory(IProfileRepository aRepository,
        IProfileRepository bRepository)
        if(aRepository == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("aRepository");
        if(bRepository == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("bRepository");

        this.aRepository = aRepository;
        this.bRepository = bRepository;

    public IProfileRepository Create(string profileType)
        if(profileType == "A")
            return this.aRepository;
        if(profileType == "B")
            return this.bRepository;

        // and so on...

现在您只需要选择您选择的 DI Container 来为您连接所有...

Now you just need to get your DI Container of choice to wire it all up for you...

这篇关于WCF 依赖注入和抽象工厂的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 21:16