




The sample script below is for creating four heat maps with the same color scale limit. I set it this way in order for me to differentiate the differences between each heat map; however, the difference is barely noticeable. The color is currently set in a general blue range (light to darker blue). What can I do to change it to maybe a hot/cold color scheme?

cd C:\Users\Aiskya\Desktop\Subjects\total
A = dlmread('avg_data.txt')

cd C:\Users\Aiskya\Desktop\Subjects\total
B = dlmread('avg_data.txt')

cd C:\Users\Aiskya\Desktop\Subjects\total
C = dlmread('avg_data.txt')

cd C:\Users\Aiskya\Desktop\Subjects\total
D = dlmread('avg_data.txt')

minValue = min([A(:); B(:); C(:); D(:)]);
maxValue = max([A(:); B(:); C(:); D(:)]);
HA.ColorLimits = [minValue maxValue];
HB.ColorLimits = [minValue maxValue];
HC.ColorLimits = [minValue maxValue];
HD.ColorLimits = [minValue maxValue];

xvalues =
yvalues =

HA = heatmap(xvalues,yvalues,A);
HA.Title = 'A';
HA.XLabel = 'regions';
HA.YLabel = 'regions';
HA.ColorLimits = [minValue maxValue];


There are a total of 4 subplots, which all look like the lines above. All the heatmaps are shown in "MATLAB heatmap reference" has a similar color setting, and I couldn't find a specific property that talks about this. I appreciate the help!

* Colorbar似乎不适合我

*Colorbar doesn't seem to do the trick for me



You can change the color map used using the Colormap property of the HeatmapChart object:

HA.Colormap = parula(64);


(parula is the default color map for figures) or

HA.Colormap = hot(64);


To get a list of all default color maps in MATLAB, type

help graph3d


(scroll to where it says "Color maps").

请注意,在命令提示符下键入HA时,您会看到HeatmapChart对象的一些属性,但不是全部.列表的底部是一个显示显示所有属性"的链接.在那里,您可以找到有关这些热图的所有可调整内容.您也可以在文档中> a>.

Note that when you type HA at the command prompt, you get to see a few of the properties of the HeatmapChart object, but not all. At the bottom of the list is a link that says "Show all properties". There you can find everything that you can tweak about these heat maps. More information is also available in the documentation.
