

我跟着 ChrisF 的谱写<一个href=\"https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B0fBOJ9vvqOfZjA0NDI5MGEtY2E1Yi00ODYzLWJmMWEtMjU3MmQyZmNkYjQ3&export=download&hl=en_US\">simple演示。

...防爆pression Blend中打开你的项目,

我可以看到按钮的背后的屏幕模板下面的截图(中的在资源ButtonChrome 的)。

And I can see the behind-the-screen template of the button as below screenshot (The ButtonChrome in Resource).

我要删除的 ButtonChrome 并保留一切按钮的用户界面的白渐变边框保​​持原样。我该怎么做?

I want to remove the white-gradient border of the ButtonChrome AND keep everything else of the button's UI remain as-is. How can I do that?


ps. To make the problem simple I use the ButtonChrome as a normal control on my view. I browse the properties but still got NO idea where to remove the "white" border.

(即 ButtonChrome 的使用中)

(The ButtonChrome in-use)

(即 ButtonChrome 的资源型)

(The ButtonChrome in Resource)



I don't think there's an easy way to get rid of that White Border. The actual routine being called is DrawInnerBorder and its called from within OnRender in ButtonChrome.

protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext)
    Rect bounds = new Rect(0.0, 0.0, base.ActualWidth, base.ActualHeight);
    this.DrawBackground(drawingContext, ref bounds);
    this.DrawDropShadows(drawingContext, ref bounds);
    this.DrawBorder(drawingContext, ref bounds);

    // This one draws the white Rectangle
    this.DrawInnerBorder(drawingContext, ref bounds);

private void DrawInnerBorder(DrawingContext dc, ref Rect bounds)
    if ((base.IsEnabled || this.RoundCorners) && ((bounds.Width >= 4.0) && (bounds.Height >= 4.0)))
        Pen innerBorderPen = this.InnerBorderPen;
        if (innerBorderPen != null)
            dc.DrawRoundedRectangle(null, innerBorderPen, new Rect(bounds.Left + 1.5, bounds.Top + 1.5, bounds.Width - 3.0, bounds.Height - 3.0), 1.75, 1.75);

您可以通过设置验证 IsEnabled =FALSE RoundCorners =FALSE在ButtonChrome或通过设置宽度或高度为类似3.99和白边消失了。

As we can see, there is no property to disable this.You can verify it by setting IsEnabled="False" and RoundCorners="False" on the ButtonChrome or by setting Width or Height to something like 3.99 and the "White Border" goes away.


To disable the inner border of ButtonChrome you could create your own ButtonChrome which adds this property. Unfortunately ButtonChrome is sealed so we can't inherit from it. I tried to copy the whole class and add the Property DisableInnerBorder and it seems to be working. You can use it like this

<local:MyButtonChrome ...


Other than that it works just like the regular ButtonChrome and you can also add other Properties etc. that you might want. There might be drawbacks to this method that I haven't thought of, but for a small test it worked just fine.

code的Apperently 937线是太多SO张贴:)我上传MyButtonChrome.cs此处的

Apperently 937 lines of code was too much to post on SO :) I uploaded MyButtonChrome.cs here: http://www.mediafire.com/?wnra4qj4qt07wn6


09-05 20:53