

比方说,我有一个变量 i 来自外部资源:

Let's say I have a variable i that comes from external sources:

int i = get_i();

假设 i INT_MIN 和二进制补码表示法, -i 是否未定义?

Assuming i is INT_MIN and two's complement representation, is -i undefined?


这取决于平台。 C支持负数的三种表示形式(请参见节)。如果是陷阱表示,则 -INT_MIN 等于 INT_MAX

With one's complement and sign and magnitude, -INT_MIN is defined (and equal to INT_MAX). With two's complement, it depends on whether the value with sign bit 1 and all value bits zero is a trap representation or a normal value. If it's a normal value, -INT_MIN overflows, resulting in undefined behavior (see section 6.5 of the C99 standard). If it's a trap representation, -INT_MIN equals INT_MAX.

也就是说,大多数现代平台使用的二进制补码没有陷阱表示,因此 -INT_MIN 通常会导致不确定的行为。

That said, most modern platforms use two's complement without trap representations, so -INT_MIN typically results in undefined behavior.


09-05 20:40