

本文介绍了(Python 2.7版)使用列表作为函数的参数?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



So I'm trying to learn Python using codecademy but I'm stuck. It's asking me to define a function that takes a list as an argument. This is the code I have:

# Write your function below!
def fizz_count(*x):
    count = 0
    for x in fizz_count:
        if x == "fizz":
            count += 1
    return count

这也可能是一些愚蠢的事我做错了,但它不断告诉我,以确保功能只需要一个参数,X。 高清fizz_count(X):不工作,要么虽然。我到底在这里做什么?

It's probably something stupid I've done wrong, but it keeps telling me to make sure the function only takes one parameter, "x". def fizz_count(x): doesn't work either though. What am I supposed to do here?


Thanks for the help everyone, I see what I was doing wrong now.



  1. 您正在尝试遍历 fizz_count 。但 fizz_count 是函数。 X 是传入的参数。所以,它应该是在X X:(但见#3)

  2. 您正在接受与一个参数* X 。在 * 引起 X 成为的所有的参数的元组。如果你只传递一个,一个列表,那么该列表是 X [0] 和列表项 X [0] [0] X [0] [1] 等。容易只是接受 X

  3. 您正在使用你的说法, X ,作为占位符列表中的项目,当你迭代它,这意味着在循环后, X 不再引用传入的名单,但它的最后一个项目。这将在这种情况下,实际的工作,因为你不使用 X 之后,但为清楚起见,最好使用不同的变量名。

  4. 你的一些变量名可以更具描述性。

  1. You're trying to iterate over fizz_count. But fizz_count is your function. x is your passed-in argument. So it should be for x in x: (but see #3).
  2. You're accepting one argument with *x. The * causes x to be a tuple of all arguments. If you only pass one, a list, then the list is x[0] and items of the list are x[0][0], x[0][1] and so on. Easier to just accept x.
  3. You're using your argument, x, as the placeholder for items in your list when you iterate over it, which means after the loop, x no longer refers to the passed-in list, but to the last item of it. This would actually work in this case because you don't use x afterward, but for clarity it's better to use a different variable name.
  4. Some of your variable names could be more descriptive.


Putting these together we get something like this:

def fizz_count(sequence):
    count = 0
    for item in sequence:
        if item == "fizz":
           count += 1
    return count


I assume you're taking the long way 'round for learning porpoises, which don't swim so fast. A better way to write this might be:

def fizz_count(sequence):
    return sum(item == "fizz" for item in sequence)


But in fact list has a count() method, as does tuple, so if you know for sure that your argument is a list or tuple (and not some other kind of sequence), you can just do:

def fizz_count(sequence):
    return sequence.count("fizz")


In fact, that's so simple, you hardly need to write a function for it!

这篇关于(Python 2.7版)使用列表作为函数的参数?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-05 20:36