在Big Sur上通过Homebrew安装我的GDB之后,我当前遇到一个奇怪的错误.我已经正确配置了所有内容到Eclipse(将我的GDB链接为调试器).然而,每次我尝试开始调试时,什么也没有发生,控制台中会出现以下内容:
I'm currently having a strange error after installing my GDB through Homebrew on Big Sur. I have configured everything to my Eclipse properly (with my GDB linked as the debugger). However every time I attempt to start a debug, nothing happens, and the following appears in the console:
** 00:01:58 ****用于项目generic_project ****的配置调试的增量构建
**00:01:58 **** Incremental Build of configuration Debug for project generic_project ****
make: Nothing to be done for `all'.
00:01:58 Build Finished. 0 errors, 0 warnings. (took 112ms)**
Is there anyway to get around this? I truly cannot figure it out. Any help is appreciated.
I am on Sierra but experienced the exact same symptoms and resolved the issues by downgrading gdb versions to 9.2.2.
事实证明,最新版本的Eclipse CDT和较新的 brew install gdb@10.2
It turns out that the latest versions of Eclipse CDT and the newer brew install gdb@10.2
do not play nicely. Sadly no earlier brew formulas are currently maintained either.
您的选择是git克隆/重建较旧的版本,或下载旧的9.2.2原始gitlab ruby脚本并将其作为brew公式安装在本地.然后按照您可能已经在其他地方引用的代码签名步骤进行操作.
Your options are to git clone/re-build an older version, or to download the old 9.2.2 raw gitlab ruby script and install it as a brew formula locally. And then follow the code signing steps you have probably seen referenced elsewhere.
% curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/95b9a2a56a8917eba5491805e3886b05573fab71/Formula/gdb.rb > ./gdb.rb
% brew uninstall gdb
% brew install ./gdb.rb
% # Assume you've created gdb-entitlements.xml and a private cert per many gdb signing instructions found elsewhere
% codesign --entitlements gdb-entitlement.xml -fs your-code-signing-cert-name $(which gdb)
After a recommended reboot, and a modification to debug configurations (eclipse wide and/or project-wide settings) to reference the symbolic link /usr/local/bin/gdb you should be good.
整个过程都很好地解释了此处,尽管降级到了gdb 8.3.
The whole process is pretty well explained here although the downgrade is to gdb 8.3.
The Eclipse forum here did tip me off to this version incompatibility but I can't for the life of me find the link that was instrumental.
这篇关于我目前在Eclipse MacOS Big Sur上进行GDB调试时遇到错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!