I have this button in my viewController and when I press on it, it should go to the TableViewController. When I do this the app crashes and prints this error in the console. Can someone tell me what Im doing wrong? Thank you!
出现此错误时,我最初使用 class UITableViewController 的样板代码,但是实际视图控制器是 UIViewController .
When I got this error, I had initially used the boilerplate code for the class UITableViewController, but the actual view controller was a UIViewController.
请注意,这已连接到Storyboard中的 UIViewController .
Note that this is connected to a UIViewController in Storyboard.
class MainViewController: UITableViewController {
//insert rest of code here
//note that funcs such as numberOfRowsInSection(_:) will have the override keyword
class MainViewController: UIViewController {
//insert code here
//you also must *remove the override keywords* for
// some of the included functions or you will get errors
还请记住在视图控制器中为UITableView引用IBOutlet,并设置委托和数据源(在Storyboard中,按住Ctrl + Drag从UITableView到视图控制器顶部的黄色圆圈,然后点击dataSource.同样对代理重复此操作.)