



String secret="foo";


And I need to know that it will not be removed by java optimizer.



A String cannot be "wiped". It is immutable, and short of some really dirty and dangerous tricks you cannot alter that.


So the safest solution is to not put the data into a string in the first place. Use a StringBuilder or an array of characters instead, or some other representation that is not immutable. (And then clear it when you are done.)


For the record, there are a couple of ways that you can change the contents of a String's backing array. For example, you can use reflection to fish out a reference to the String's backing array, and overwrite its contents. However, this involves doing things that the JLS states have unspecified behaviour so you cannot guarantee that the optimizer won't do something unexpected.


My personal take on this is that you are better off locking down your application platform so that unauthorized people can't gain access to the memory / memory dump in the first place. After all, if the platform is not properly secured, the "bad guys" may be able to get hold of the string contents before you erase it. Steps like this might be warranted for small amounts of security critical state, but if you've got a lot of "confidential" information to process, it is going to be a major hassle to not be able to use normal strings and string handling.


09-05 19:51