



我正在使用CupertinoApp小部件来包装我的应用程序,同时尝试在其中使用Material TextFormField小部件。

I am using a CupertinoApp widget to wrap my app, while trying to use a Material TextFormField widget within it.


When I for example trigger the text selection mode (Double tap the text field), I am getting the following error (because it tries to open an overlay widget that requires material localizations):


No MaterialLocalizations found.OverlayEntry widgets require MaterialLocalizations to be provided by a Localizations widget ancestor.


Localizations are used to generate many different messages, labels,and abbreviations which are used by the material library.


To introduce a MaterialLocalizations, either use a MaterialApp at the root of your application to : include them automatically, or add a Localization widget with a MaterialLocalizations delegate.

问题是我无法使用MaterialApp,因为我需要使用Cupertino样式导航(CupertinoTabBar / CupertinoTabView内部的嵌套导航器),所以我需要使用本地化窗口小部件方法。

The problem is that I cannot use a MaterialApp as I need to use Cupertino style navigation (nested navigators inside CupertinoTabBar/CupertinoTabView), so i need to use the Localization widget approach.


However the following code does not solve the problem:

void main() {
      child: CupertinoApp(
        debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
        home: App(), // <-- Main Screen, a Cupertino Tab Scaffold with 3 CupertinoTabViews
      locale: Locale('en', 'US'),
      delegates: <LocalizationsDelegate>[

        // I assumed these were sufficient, but the runtime exception still persist.


My question is then, what is the proper way to do this, is it not possible to use a Material widget within a CupertinoApp?

I/flutter ( 7631): ══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY WIDGETS LIBRARY ╞═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
I/flutter ( 7631): The following assertion was thrown building
I/flutter ( 7631): _OverlayEntry-[LabeledGlobalKey<_OverlayEntryState>#1e5c6](dirty, dependencies:
I/flutter ( 7631): [_LocalizationsScope-[GlobalKey#d1cfa]], state: _OverlayEntryState#ba2a3):
I/flutter ( 7631): No MaterialLocalizations found.
I/flutter ( 7631): _OverlayEntry widgets require MaterialLocalizations to be provided by a Localizations widget
I/flutter ( 7631): ancestor.
I/flutter ( 7631): Localizations are used to generate many different messages, labels,and abbreviations which are used
I/flutter ( 7631): by the material library.
I/flutter ( 7631): To introduce a MaterialLocalizations, either use a  MaterialApp at the root of your application to
I/flutter ( 7631): include them automatically, or add a Localization widget with a MaterialLocalizations delegate.
I/flutter ( 7631): The specific widget that could not find a MaterialLocalizations ancestor was:
I/flutter ( 7631):   _OverlayEntry-[LabeledGlobalKey<_OverlayEntryState>#1e5c6]
I/flutter ( 7631): The ancestors of this widget were:
I/flutter ( 7631):   Stack(alignment: AlignmentDirectional.topStart, fit: expand, overflow: clip)
I/flutter ( 7631):   _Theatre
I/flutter ( 7631):   Overlay-[LabeledGlobalKey<OverlayState>#362c7]
I/flutter ( 7631):   _FocusScopeMarker
I/flutter ( 7631):   Semantics(container: false, properties: SemanticsProperties, label: null, value: null, hint: null,
I/flutter ( 7631):   hintOverrides: null)
I/flutter ( 7631):   FocusScope
I/flutter ( 7631):   AbsorbPointer(absorbing: false)
I/flutter ( 7631):   Listener(listeners: [down, up, cancel], behavior: deferToChild)
I/flutter ( 7631):   Navigator-[GlobalObjectKey<NavigatorState> _WidgetsAppState#2397a]
I/flutter ( 7631):   DefaultTextStyle(inherit: false, color: Color(0xff000000), family: .SF Pro Text, size: 17.0,
I/flutter ( 7631):   letterSpacing: -0.4, decoration: TextDecoration.none, softWrap: wrapping at box width, overflow:
I/flutter ( 7631):   clip)
I/flutter ( 7631):   Title(color: Color(0xff007aff))
I/flutter ( 7631):   Directionality(textDirection: ltr)
I/flutter ( 7631):   _LocalizationsScope-[GlobalKey#d1cfa]
I/flutter ( 7631):   Semantics(container: false, properties: SemanticsProperties, label: null, value: null, hint: null,
I/flutter ( 7631):   textDirection: ltr, hintOverrides: null)
I/flutter ( 7631):   Localizations(locale: en_US, delegates: [DefaultCupertinoLocalizations.delegate(en_US),
I/flutter ( 7631):   DefaultWidgetsLocalizations.delegate(en_US)])
I/flutter ( 7631):   MediaQuery(MediaQueryData(size: Size(411.4, 683.4), devicePixelRatio: 2.6, textScaleFactor: 1.0,
I/flutter ( 7631):   platformBrightness: Brightness.light, padding: EdgeInsets(0.0, 24.0, 0.0, 0.0), viewInsets:
I/flutter ( 7631):   EdgeInsets.zero, alwaysUse24HourFormat: false, accessibleNavigation: falsedisableAnimations:
I/flutter ( 7631):   falseinvertColors: falseboldText: false))
I/flutter ( 7631):   WidgetsApp-[GlobalObjectKey _CupertinoAppState#5df27]
I/flutter ( 7631):   IconTheme(IconThemeData#33904(color: Color(0xff007aff)))
I/flutter ( 7631):   _InheritedCupertinoTheme
I/flutter ( 7631):   CupertinoTheme
I/flutter ( 7631):   ScrollConfiguration(behavior: _AlwaysCupertinoScrollBehavior)
I/flutter ( 7631):   CupertinoApp
I/flutter ( 7631):   Directionality(textDirection: ltr)
I/flutter ( 7631):   _LocalizationsScope-[GlobalKey#dfb7d]
I/flutter ( 7631):   Semantics(container: false, properties: SemanticsProperties, label: null, value: null, hint: null,
I/flutter ( 7631):   textDirection: ltr, hintOverrides: null)
I/flutter ( 7631):   Localizations(locale: en_US, delegates: [DefaultMaterialLocalizations.delegate(en_US),
I/flutter ( 7631):   DefaultCupertinoLocalizations.delegate(en_US), DefaultWidgetsLocalizations.delegate(en_US)])
I/flutter ( 7631):   _InheritedModel<AppModel>
I/flutter ( 7631):   AnimatedBuilder(animation: Instance of 'AppModel')
I/flutter ( 7631):   ScopedModel<AppModel>
I/flutter ( 7631):   [root]
I/flutter ( 7631):
I/flutter ( 7631): When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
I/flutter ( 7631): #0      debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations.<anonymous closure> (package:flutter/src/material/debug.dart:124:7)
I/flutter ( 7631): #1      debugCheckHasMaterialLocalizations (package:flutter/src/material/debug.dart:127:4)
I/flutter ( 7631): #2      _MaterialTextSelectionControls.buildToolbar (package:flutter/src/material/text_selection.dart:135:12)
// ....


您不应将 CupertinoApp 包装到本地化

CupertinoApp 包括插入自己的 Localization 小部件,因此您在 CupertinoApp 上方添加的内容都会被覆盖。

CupertinoApp includes insert its own Localization widget, so whatever you added above CupertinoApp just gets overridden.

相反,将您的代表直接传递到 CupertinoApp localizationsDelegates

Instead, pass your delegates directly to localizationsDelegates of CupertinoApp:

  localizationsDelegates: [


09-05 19:43