


I noticed something curious earlier today. I can't seem to store a reference to the call property of a function, then execute it. Example:

var log = console.log;
log.call(console, 'This works');

var logCall = console.log.call;
logCall(console, 'This does not');

对我来说,这似乎是完全合法的Javascript,但第二次调用总是给我错误 undefined不是函数。随意使用它来,你会得到相同的结果。

To me, this seems like perfectly legal Javascript, but the second invocation always gives me the error that undefined is not a function. Feel free to play around with it here, you'll get the same results.


So why does Javascript prevent me from calling call in this manner?


I finally got it straight in my head after reading SimpleJ's answer. So I'm going to update this with how you can get the above to work:

var log = console.log;
log.call(console, 'This works');

var logCall = console.log.call;
logCall.call(console.log, console, 'This works now too');

问题是 console.log 是收到正确的值,但 console.log.call 未获得正确的这个值。所以你可以看到,我基本上必须执行 console.log.call.call 。显然你从来没有真正使用这样的代码,我只是很好奇。

The problem was that console.log was receiving the proper this value, but console.log.call wasn't given a proper this value. So as you can see, I basically had to execute console.log.call.call. Obviously you'd never really use code like this, I was just curious.



You need to keep the binding to console. Try this:

var logCall = console.log.call.bind(console.log);
// example: logCall(console, "foobar");

var log = console.log.bind(console);
// example: log("foobar");

对于 log 的绑定引用。



09-05 19:25