


One cell in my notebook executes for a long time, while the other CPU's in the machine are idle. Is it possible to run other cells in parallel?


不是神奇的,可能不是你的想法但是是的。 ipyparallel 的文档(以前 IPython parallel ),它将向您展示如何生成多个IPython内核。在您可以跨核心分发工作后,您可以使用 %% px0 %% px1 为单元格添加前缀。 .. %% px999 (一旦设置)执行特定引擎上的单元格,这实际上对应于单元格的并行执行。我建议你看看。

Not magically, and probably not what you think but yes. Here is the documentation for ipyparallel (formerly IPython parallel) that will show you how to spawn multiple IPython kernel. After you are free to distribute the work across cores, and you can prefix cells with %%px0 %%px1... %%px999 (once set up) to execute a cell on a specific engine, which in practice correspond to parallel execution of cell. I woudl suggest having a look as Dask as well.


09-05 19:23